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Dark Souls 3: Update 1.14 steht zum Download bereit - Die Neuerungen in der Übersicht

Wie Bandai Namco Entertainment und From Software bekannt gaben, wird das Action-Rollenspiel "Dark Souls 3" Ende der Woche mit dem Update auf die Version 1.14 bedacht. Wir verraten euch, auf welche Änderungen ihr euch im Detail freuen dürft.

Update: Das neue „Dark Souls 3“ Update 1.14 steht nun bereit. Die Details über Bug-Fixes, Balance-Anpassungen und mehr erfahrt ihr in der Meldung weiter unten.

Meldung vom 10. Mai: Nach wie vor wird das knackige Action-Rollenspiel „Dark Souls 3“ von den verantwortlichen Entwicklern von From Software weiter unterstützt beziehungsweise optimiert.

Wie diese in Zusammenarbeit mit dem zuständigen Publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment bekannt gaben, steht das nächste umfangreiche Update bereits in den Startlöchern. Dieses hebt „Dark Souls 3“ auf die Version 1.14 und wird hierzulande am Freitag, den 12. Mai zwischen 3 und 5 Uhr unserer Zeit für die Xbox One, Steam und die PlayStation 4 veröffentlicht.

Mit dem Update auf die Version 1.14 bekommt „Dark Souls 3“ über 50 Änderungen spendiert, die Anpassungen am Balancing, Bug-Fixes und mehr umfassen. Anbei der offizielle Change-Log zum neuen Update.

Dark Souls 3: Das Update 1.14 im Detail

• Fixed issue where the first spell would disappear if either Seething Chaos or Crystal Hail is used twice in succession
• In PvP battles, the 2nd attack of the Call to Stone (skill for Ledo’s Great Hammer) attack can now be cancelled by rolling immediately after successfully delivering a different attack to the enemy
• Fixed issue where 2 Spears of the Church were occasionally summoned in the Ringed City
• Increased absorption and stamina recovery speed when summoned as the Spears of Church in a world with 2 or more White Spirits.
• Decreased cooldown time for Ritual Spear Fragment and Divine Spear Fragment when summoned as the Spear of the Church in a world with 2 or more white spirits.
• Fixed issue where following certain steps could make the Ringed City Streets bonfire inaccessible
• Fixed issue where the player was unable to use the bonfire despite having defeated the Demon Prince in The Dreg Heap.
• Fixed issue where further progress was disabled when interacting with the Crystal Sage Clone in a certain way.
• Animation cancel now available for whips except the Rose of Ariandel.
• Fixed issue where the weapon reinforcement effect of the right-hand weapon was applied to the left hand equipped with a Greatshield weapon when performing the Shield Bash skill
• Reduced rotation capabilities of the Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords
• Decreased stamina consumption for Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords attack and increased attack power of Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords
• Fixed issue where the art for the Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords could still be performed when there was insufficient FP
• Fixed issue where a combination of the Lothric War Banner’s Art and the Aquamarine Dagger would result in FP continuously replenishing
• Increased attack power and motion cancel speed for Call to Stone skill attached to Ledo’s Great Hammer
• Increased attack power for the skill attached to Quakestone Hammer
• Decreased attack power and R1 projectiles of the Blade of Peril skill attached to Gael’s Greatsword
• Increased attack power and decreased stamina consumption for Farron Greatsword
• Decreased stamina consumption when attacking with Darkdrift
• Increased animation cancel speed for the Darkdrift skill attached to Darkdrift
• Increased bleeding attack power for Bloodlust skill attached to Bloodlust.
• Increased luck for poison, bleed, and hollow-infused and decreased stamina consumption of Astora Straight Sword.
• Decreased strength and dexterity of Sunlight Straight Sword
• Decreased stamina consumption for Aquamarine Dagger’s Crystal Blade skill.
• Increased attack for Repeating Crossbow
• Fixed issue where no more stamina was required to use the Repeating Crossbow weapon art when the player did not have the minimum stats.
• Fixed an issue when a female character or a male character wearing the Reversal Ring uses the Repeating Crossbow art, the character would move forward without any analog stick input.
• Fixed issue where the effectiveness of the Preacher’s Right Arm art did not decrease when the player did not have the required Intelligence
• Fixed issue where the weapon reinforcement effect of the right-hand weapon was applied to the left hand equipped with Preacher’s Right Arm when performing the Feasting Branch skill
• Fixed issue where the Unfaltering Prayer effect was retained when casting certain miracles and quickly casting another spell afterwards
• Fixed issue when activating the Wrath of the Gods miracle through a catalyst held in the character’s right hand, the idle time after the spell cast was longer than it should be
• Decreased vitality recovery when using the Projected Heal miracle
• Increased stamina consumption of Lightning Arrow and decreased stamina recovery speed while the player is drawing the bow
• Fixed issue where players could parry the Flame Fan
• Fixed several other small issues

Quelle: From Software/Bandai Namco Entertainment

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10. Mai 2017 um 16:56 Uhr


12. Mai 2017 um 21:42 Uhr