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Hitman: Mai-Update veröffentlicht - u.a. neue Location für den Contracts-Modus

Die "Hitman"-Entwickler kommen mit dem Update für Mai um die Ecke. Mit dabei ist unter anderem eine neue Location für den Contracts Mode.

Hitman: Mai-Update veröffentlicht – u.a. neue Location für den Contracts-Modus

Das zuvor in Episodenform erhältlich „Hitman“ wird mit der „Definitive Edition“ alle Episoden und Locations aus Season One bündeln und auch alle Inhalte der Game of the Year-Edition umfassen, darunter die Patient Zero-Kampagne und das Anniversary Outfit Bundle. Am 15. Mai ist die „Definitive Edition“ zu haben.

Zuvor haben die Entwickler von IO Interactive aber seit dem 11. Mai das Mai-Update für die PlayStation 4, Xbox One und Windows PCs auf die Server geschubst. Die Größe pendelt abhängig vom System zwischen 500 Megabyte und zwei Gigabyte. Der Patch hievt das Spiel auf die Version 1.14.1.

Teil des Updates ist die Unterstützung der „Definitive Edition“, mit The Source aus Patient Zero eine neue Location für den Contracts Mode sowie einige Fehlerverbesserungen. In der PS4-Version wurde beispielsweise ein Fehler mit der Bonus-Episode und in der Vector-Mission bereinigt. Die gesamten Patch Notes finden sich anbei.

Definitive Edition Support
We’ve made numerous back-end changes to support the release of the Definitive Edition. This includes support for the Anniversary Outfit Bundle and displaying the WB Games logo during the bootflow for players with the Definitive Edition.

New Mission for Contracts Mode Creation
It is now possible to create and play Contracts on ‘The Source’ mission from the Patient Zero campaign. Contracts Search and Lookup functionality has also been added for this mission. Players will be required to own the GOTY missions to play Contracts on this location.

The Pharmacist
We’ve fixed an issue with ‘The Pharmacist’ Elusive Target that would cause the target to suspend their routine. This target is now back into rotation for Reactivated Elusive Targets.

Elusive Target Clarification
We’ve adjusted the messages for the Elusive Target tile on the Featured Hub to clearly show the status of the upcoming or active Elusive Target. If you have already completed or failed the contract, you will be informed of that. This will help players know whether they have previously completed or failed the contract.

PC Framerate uncapped
We’ve corrected an issue on PC that was introduced with the GOTY Edition that limited the framerate on PC to 100fps. The framerate will now be as high as your hardware and graphic settings will allow.

Clipping in Cover
We’ve fixed an issue that could cause 47 to get stuck in a wall, teleport or fall out of world in a staircase in Sapienza.

Missing Vector
We’ve fixed an issue on PS4 that could cause the game to become unresponsive when resuming the game from Rest Mode during the Vector mission.

Bonus Episode Installation
We’ve fixed an issue on PS4 that would occur when installing the game from a disc. The in-game store would display the Bonus Episode as ‘owned’ (displaying a checkbox) by default. However, the episode was not owned until a redemption voucher included in the box had been redeemed. With this change, the Bonus Episode will only show as ‘owned’ when a redemption code has been used.

Progression Counter
We’ve fixed a visual issue with the display of Location Mastery on the location menus after reaching the max level. The game will no longer display “6000 XP to next level” when reaching the max level.

Featured Complications
We’ve made a back-end fix to Featured Contracts so that any complications for those contracts are correctly displayed. Previously, the Featured Contracts menu might display that all of the complications were activated when some of them were optional. The correct functionality was set in-game and this was purely a visual issue.

Quelle: IO Interactive

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Saro Isamura

Saro Isamura

13. Mai 2018 um 14:27 Uhr