Die zuständigen Entwickler von Treyarch haben ein neues Update für „Call of Duty: Black Ops 4“ veröffentlicht, mit dem man vor allem einige Änderungen am Blackout-Modus vorgenommen hat. Zudem wurde das „Blightfather“-Event erstmals in Blackout gestartet. Dieses umfasst einen Zombie-Boss, der auf dem Friedhof südlich der Anstalt auftaucht und wertvolle Belohnungen mit sich bringt. Außerdem stehen Charakter-Missionen für Bruno, Diego, Scarlett und Shaw zur Verfügung.
Im Weiteren haben die Entwickler die 9-Knall vollständig aus dem Blackout-Modus entfernt, nachdem die Spieler die Blendgranate harsch kritisiert hatten. Die Entwickler wollen erst herausfinden, wie man die Granate in das Gameplay integrieren kann. Zudem kann die Betäubungsgranate weiter geworfen und zweimal aufgesammelt werden, um den Verlust der 9-Knall auszugleichen.
Mehr: Call of Duty Black Ops 4 – Ab sofort sind die Mikrotransaktionen verfügbar
Ab Freitag, den 9. November 2018 um 19 Uhr wird zudem ein Double Tier Boost-Event stattfinden, mit denen die Spieler schneller im Schwarzmarkt Ränge aufsteigen können. Zombie-Spieler erhalten auch doppeltes Nebulium Plasma. Alle konkreten Änderungen des neuesten Updates kann man den Patchnotes entnehmen:
Änderungen des neuen Updates
Playlist updates
- Blightfather added to all playlists.
- 100-Player Quads added to the Featured playlist.
- Maximum players in Solo and Duos playlists changed to 88.
Character missions
- Zombies Chaos Storyline Character Missions now available (Bruno, Diego, Scarlett, and Shaw).
- Increased drop rates of Character Mission items.
Blackout weapon balance
- Reduced recoil.
Rampart 17
- Reduced ADS sway.
- Reduced recoil.
Auger DMR
- Increased re-center speed. We slowed down the re-center due to high performance in our Blackout beta, but have seen the AUGER slightly underperform since release.
- Slightly increased muzzle velocity. This should make for more predictable shots when firing at a moving target within the Auger’s intended ranges.
- Tightened the spread pattern. This should allow more shots to land on target at range.
- Increased re-center speed.
- Reduced re-center pattern offsets for more predictable recoil.
VKM 750
- Increased re-center speed.
- Reduced re-center pattern offsets.
- Increased re-center speed.
- Reduced re-center pattern offsets.
- Removed the 9-Bang from Blackout while we evaluate its place in the gameplay loop.
Concussion grenade
- Increased throw distance.
- Increased stack count to 2.
Playlist updates
- Added Team Tactical Moshpit to Featured Playlist (3v3 TDM, Kill Confirmed, and Search & Destroy).
- Added Mercenary Chaos Moshpit to Featured category (6v6 TDM, Domination, Kill Confirmed, and Hardpoint, no parties allowed).
- Added Mercenary Hardcore Moshpit to Featured category (Hardcore TDM, Domination, and Kill Confirmed, no parties allowed).
- Gun Game and Control now in Featured category.
- Resolved an exploit in Search & Destroy where players could change classes after the start of a round to regain Scorestreak progress from the previous round before death.
- Resolved an issue in Heist where navigating the Buy Menu with the d-pad could display the description for the previously highlighted item.
- Resolved an issue where meleeing friendly Razor Wire in Hardcore game modes would damage players, potentially causing the player who placed the Razor Wire to be kicked for friendly fire.
- Corrected the description for “Fast Reflexes” Challenge to inform players of requirement to get 5 EKIA in a game shortly after switching weapons with Dexterity, Overkill, and Laser Sight.
- Resolved 2 specific crashes in the IX Main Quest.
- Resolved a crash related to banner challenges in IX.
- Resolved a crash that occurred when the Shield broke while the player had the Victorious Tortoise Perk active.
- Resolved an issue where players could end up in a permanently downed state if they are revived as a self-revive is being completed.
- Resolved an issue where picking up the Max Ammo power-up while Bandolier is active did not give additional ammo if the weapon was at its normal Max Ammo capacity.
- Resolved UI issues caused by opening the Paintshop after personalizing a weapon in the Armory.
- Resolved an issue where players could equip Talismans in Local Play.
- Changed Aftertaste Elixir description to reflect its 5-minute duration.
- Changed Arsenal Accelerator Elixir description to reflect its 2-minute duration.
- Resolved an issue where level-restricted Challenges could be locked again after Prestiging.
PC only
- Added Audio Presets to Options.
- Resolved an issue where the rotation icon would appear when highlighting any items in the Black Market.
- Resolved an issue where players would be forcefully defeated when using the Fast Travel from Transverse Tunnel to reach the Cafeteria before opening its door in Blood of the Dead.
- Resolved an issue where Warpaints could not be removed after being applied.
Weitere Meldungen zu Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.
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07. November 2018 um 12:43 UhrIch fand die 9 bang ok. Immerhin gibt es auch trophy system zum Kontern
07. November 2018 um 13:36 UhrOh ein Update… wirklich selten bei diesem Spiel… das da noch etwas kommt ^^
07. November 2018 um 15:38 UhrNaja ich finde die 9 Bang war schon Ovepowert und hat zu viel Einfluss auf den entscheid von Sieg und Niederlage gehabt. Vor allem in der Schlussphase war es schade wenn zwischen zwei Spieler nicht das taktische-Combat entschieden hat, sondern einfach diese Blendegranate.
07. November 2018 um 16:00 Uhr@Anonymous
Ist nicht der erste grössere Patch seit Release und zwischendurch gab es auch immer wieder kleinere Anpassungen.
07. November 2018 um 17:16 UhrSeit froh, dass Patches zeitnah kommen. Nicht so wie bei battlefront, wo dice einfach monatelang gar nichts tut.