Nach der gestrigen Ankündigung des Meisterrang-Systems für das Action-Rollenspiel „Assassin’s Creed Odyssey“ hat Ubisoft die Patches 1.1.0 und 1.1.1 veröffentlicht, um das neue System in das Spiel zu integrieren. Darüber hinaus hat man auch verschiedene Fehler behoben, die das Erlebnis im antiken Griechenland stören konnten.
So haben die Entwickler noch einmal Hand an die Spielbalance, die KI, verschiedene Quests und vieles mehr gelegt, wie man den englischsprachigen Patchnotes entnehmen kann. Zudem hat man das Spiel bereits auf die nahende Veröffentlichung der ersten Episode der Erweiterung „Das Vermächtnis der ersten Klinge“ vorbereitet und eine weitere „Verlorene Geschichte Griechenlands“ integriert.
Mehr: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Neuer Patch bringt das Meisterrang-System mit sich
„Assassin’s Creed Odyssey“ ist für die PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC erhältlich. Erste Informationen zu der kommenden Erweiterung hatten wir bereits hier für euch zusammengefasst.
Die Änderungen der Patches 1.1.0 und 1.1.1
Patch 1.1.1
- Addressed an issue that prevented Tier 6&7 Burning and Poison Damage perks to work properly
- Addressed various texture issues with robes on multiple characters.
Patch 1.1.0
- Added support for the 1st Episode of the Legacy of the First Blade DLC and the third instalment in the Lost Tales of Greece.
- Added Mastery Level system to the game.
- Added fast travel points to Mythical Creatures.
- Added an option to dismantle items directly at Blacksmiths.
- Wearing the full set of a Legendary Armor now gives more powerful bonuses than the version available for engraving.
- Addressed a display issue that caused Stats upgrades to appear downgraded after Level 50.
- The Child of Poseidon achievement/trophy will now unlock when conditions are met.
- [PS4] Addressed an issue that caused screenshots taken to appear black in the Capture Gallery.
- [PC] Added an option that allows players to set walking speed.
- Added support for the first Episode of the Legacy of the First Blade DLC, Hunted, to the game.
- Will release in December 4
- Added the third installment in the Lost Tales of Greece, The Image of Faith, to the game.
- Will release in December
- Available after reaching Episode 5
- Quest will appear in the quest log after having met the quest giver in Elis
- Look for a blue quest giver icon
- NEW! Added Mastery Level System to the game
- Mastery Level increase specific statistics attached to the Assassin, Hunter, and Warrior ability trees and uses ability points to upgrade bonuses.
- The Mastery level Menu becomes available when reaching Level 50
- NEW! Added fast travel points to Mythical Creatures
- NEW! Added an option to the game to dismantle items directly at the Blacksmith.
- Added a tip to the game on how to quickly source Olive wood.
- The amount of crafting material being bought can now be increased significantly faster
- Added more NPCs to the Skyros market.
- Players can now circulate between Quest filters with LT/RT
- [PC] Added an option that allows players to set walking speed.
- [PC] Improved HDR functionality on PC.
- Wearing the full set of a Legendary Armor now gives more powerful bonuses than the version available for engraving.
- Fixed Burning Rate formula when too many bonuses were applied
- Addressed an issue during the Medusa boss fight that could sometimes reset the quest causing the player to start the quest from the beginning.
- Addressed an issue that prevented the player from performing attacks underwater when equipping a weapon that allows breathing underwater while the air bar is red.
- Addressed an issue where Intoxicated Damage or Weakening perk were applied to the player rather than to enemies.
- Addressed various issues with floating or misplaced objects across Greece.
- Addressed various issues that caused the player to fall through the map or get stuck.
- Addressed an issue during the final Arena encounter where the enemy could deal damage even though the player is out of reach of the weapon.
- Addressed an issue that prevented Weekly Contracts from appearing.
- Addressed an issue where live encounters wouldn’t reappear after losing connection.
- Addressed an issue in Gluten Free where Lagos’s son could pop up in dialogues when released before triggering the cut-scene.
- Addressed an issue in A Mother’s Prayer that prevented the player from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue in To Find a Girl where Thugs would chicken out of combat if their leader is knocked out in front of them.
- Addressed an issue in Barnabas Abroad that could prevent the quest from being completed.
- Addressed an issue in The Final Push that could cause the quest’s objective to disappear.
- Addressed an issue in Pirate Hospitality that prevented the quest objective to update.
- Addressed an issue in Unified Front where Euneas would sail away from the naval battle instead of helping the player.
- Addressed various issues in the Divine Intervention questline that could prevent the quest from being completed.
- Addressed an issue in Follow That Boat where Kleio could spawn underwater if the player cleaves the ship during the follow Erina objective.
- Addressed an issue in Breaking Bread where the recommended Quest level differs from the actual level of enemy NPCs in the Fort of Arkas.
- Addressed an issue in A Bloody Feast where the player could maintain a full bounty bar under certain circumstances.
- Removed a dramatic black fade from a cut-scene in Athlete.
Character and AI
- Addressed an issue where wolves or dogs would drown when kicked in the water by the player. tries not to judge
- Addressed an issue with enemy NPCs who would have a hard time catching up while chasing the misthios.
- Addressed an issue where Mercenaries would sometimes stop chasing the player.
- Addressed an issue that caused Mercenaries & Fort Leaders to not deal the intended Basic Attack damage.
- Addressed an issue where enemies lighting up braziers continue doing so while being hit by the player.
- Addressed an issue where the Cretan bull stops attacking when the player stands VERY close to the bull’s face.
Photo Mode
- Addressed an issue in Photo Mode where the reset button in Composition Mode would reset photo settings.
- Improved auto-focus functionality in Photo Mode. When opening Photo Mode it will now auto-focus the player if in view.
- Improved camera functionality in Photo Mode. The more zoomed in, the slower the camera.
- Addressed an issue that prevented the player from using the Photo Mode properly when activating while in Predator shot.
- Addressed an issue that allowed the players to cycle through pre-sets in Preview Mode
- [PS4] Addressed an issue that caused screenshots taken to appear black in the Capture Gallery.
- Conquest Battles no longer scale with the player’s level but stay on the region’s level.
- The inventory ship model will no longer vanish when equipping different ship designs.
- Addressed an issue that caused an incorrect background color to be displayed for Legendary Lieutenants.
- Addressed an issue that prevented the player to dismiss Tekton as Lieutenant. Go home Tekton, you’re drunk.
- Addressed an issue where the thumbnail image of Epic Ship rewards didn’t match the actual look.
- Addressed an issue where the custom marker would fall underwater when the player marks any location on the open sea.
- Addressed an issue that caused Sea Shanties to stop playing when switching between „stop“ and „resume“ actions multiple times. // indecisive much??
Performance and Stability
- Optimized game performance and stability.
- Addressed various issues that caused the player to temporarily freeze.
- [X1] Addressed an issue where the game could become unresponsive after accessing the Xbox dashboard.
Graphics, Animations & Audio
- Addressed various lighting issues.
- Addressed various camera issues. Cam.exe stopped working.
- Addressed various sound issues.
- Addressed various animation issues with NPC and player character.
- Addressed various animation issues with the Cyclops.
- Addressed an issue with Steropes who would slide around in opening roar animation. They see me rollin‘
- Addressed an issue with Ikaros who would harass enemies through buildings.
User Interface, Menu, and Subtitles
- Addressed various UI/HUD display issues.
- Addressed various dialog mismatches.
- Addressed a display issue that caused Stats upgrades to appear downgraded after Level 50.
- Addressed an issue that allowed the player to open the Detailed Mercenary Benefits page from the Detailed Mercenary view.
- Addressed an issue with perks above Tier 5 that wouldn’t be displayed properly in the Detailed Character Stats page.
- Addressed an issue where weapons bought from the In-Game Store didn’t show up in the inventory tab.
Ubisoft Club, Achievements or Trophies
- The Child of Poseidon achievement/trophy will now unlock when conditions are met.
Weitere Meldungen zu Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.
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29. November 2018 um 10:45 UhrUbisoft hat es mal wieder versaut. Jetzt sind Texturen bei Felsen und Holzblöcken komplett kaputt. Ich warte mal auf den Tag an dem die Firma überhaupt was geschi….en bekommt.
29. November 2018 um 13:10 UhrWegen so Kleinigkeiten beschwerst du dich lächerlich
29. November 2018 um 13:16 UhrDu findest es gut dass spiele nachträglich schlechter gemacht werden? Erbärmlich die Gamer von heute.
29. November 2018 um 13:24 Uhr@TenaciousD
Bewirb dich bei Ubisoft und zeig denen mal wo der Hammer hängt.
29. November 2018 um 13:31 UhrTenaciousD
wieso zockst du nicht wie jeder ander Red Dead?
29. November 2018 um 13:46 UhrTenaciousD: bist wohl ein Einzelfall, habe weiterhin Null Probleme. (vom gelegentlichen Bildzucken bei Zwischenspeichervorgängen mal abgesehen)
Noob87: und wieso hörst du nicht wie jeder andere auch, endlich auf zu jeder Ubisoft News zu haten??
29. November 2018 um 14:01 Uhrder bug in der mission, „wir werden uns erheben“, wurde damit aber nicht behoben und somit kann ich leider die odyssey nicht wirklich fortsetzen….ich hoffe das wird noch angegangen.