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Ski-Doo Snowmobil Challenge

Empfohlene Beiträge

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



Bully - Take down one opponent.

Acrobat - Perform a two stunt combo.

Adrenaline Junkie - Stay in adrenaline mode for 30 seconds.

Hoarder - Unlock half of all unlockables in career mode.

Hangtime - Hold a stunt for 2 seconds

Big Air - Stay airborne for 3 seconds.

Backflip - Perform a backflip.

Frontflip - Perform a frontflip.

Woodcutter - Collide with 3 trees in a race.

Crowdsurfing - Collide with the spectators.

Friendly - Invite someone to a race.

Roadrunner - Lead a race from start to finish.




Berzerk - Take down three opponents in a row without crashing.

Pack Rat - Unlock all unlockables in career mode.

Stingy - Collect $50000 in career mode without spending them.

Frozen - Hold a stunt for 4 seconds.

Untouchable - Win a career race with your sled intact.

Head Splat - Land on top of another player in an offline match.




Rampage - Take down four opponents in a row without crashing.

Wire Fu - Perform a three stunt combo.

Boostaholic - Stay in adrenaline mode for 60 seconds.

Orbit - Stay airborne for 5 seconds.

Double Backflip - Perform a double backflip.

Online Acrobat - Achieve 20,000 stunt points in a single online match.




Platinum - Collect all other trophies.

Bearbeitet von Scheich

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