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Trophy Listen Einsendung

Empfohlene Beiträge




Centurion - Get 100 or more rings

Clear Green - Clear the Green Hill Zone

Fast Green - Beat Green Hill Zone Act 1 in under 35 seconds

Fast Marble - Beat Marble Zone Act 1 in under 80 seconds

Labyrinth Zone - Get to the Labyrinth Zone

Spring Yard Zone - Get to the Spring Yard Zone

Star Light Zone - Get to the Star Light Zone




Chaos Emerald - Get one Chaos Emerald

Chaos Master - Get all the Chaos Emeralds

Fast Win - Beat the game in under 40 minutes

Win - Beat the game




Perfect Win - Beat the game without dying

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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema




Chimp on the Barbie - In ascension kill a space monkey with a fire trap

The Eagle Has Landers - In ascension escape on all 3 lunar landers

They Are Going THROUGH - In ascension kill at least 5 zombies with 1 gersh device




Space Race - In ascension pack-a-punch a weapon before round 8




A Friend in Need - Upgraded the armor of one of your party members

Birthright - Kicked the slavers out of your ancestral mansion

Craftsman - Acquired your first crafting recipe

Darkness Falls - Toggled the map from day to night

Dedicated - Reached Level 10

Delver of the Deep - Explored the Deep Roads

Enchanter - Enchanted an item

Exorcist - Found and killed the undying Xebenkeck

Explorer - Left Kirkwall to explore the outlying regions

Financier - Became a partner in a Deep Roads expedition

Flirtatious - Flirted with one of your party members and began a romance

Friend - Earned the friendship of one of your party members

Friends in High Places - Met Grand Cleric Elthina, Viscount Dumar, Knight-Commander Meredith, and First Enchanter Orsino

Full House - Recruited four party members

Gift Giver - Gave a gift to one of your party members

I Got Your Back - Completely upgraded the armor of one of your party members

Immigrant - Became a resident of Kirkwall

Knowledgeable - Unlocked 100 codex entries

Mass Exodus - Reached Kirkwall with each character class across multiple playthroughs

Mercenary - Allied yourself with the mercenaries upon arriving in Kirkwall

Mogul - Had 100 or more sovereigns in your purse

Nefarious - Allied yourself with the smugglers upon arriving in Kirkwall

Rival - Earned the rivalry of one of your party members

Romantic - Completed a romance with one of your party members

Specialized - Took two class specializations

Spelunker - Visited 10 caves in Kirkwall and the surrounding area

Tag Team - Used teamwork to perform a cross-class combo

Tale Within a Tale - Listened to Varric begin his tale of the Champion of Kirkwall

Talented - Upgraded a spell or talent

That Thing Has Legs - Found and killed a varterral

Weapon Master - Mastered a weapon style




A Worthy Rival - Earned the Arishok's respect

Archeologist - During each year in Kirkwall, discovered 3 secret messages from the Band of Three

Champion of Kirkwall - Completed Dragon Age II

Chantry Historian - Found all four chapters of 'The History of the Chantry,' by Brother Genitivi

Crowning Glory - Became the viscount of Kirkwall

Demon Slayer - Found and killed the ancient demon, Hybris

Dragon Slayer - Found and killed a high dragon

Great Minds Think Alike - Earned the friendship or rivalry of four party members

Legendary - Reached Level 20

Master Craftsman - Crafted all of the items from a single crafting tree

Supplier - Found every variety of crafting resources

Treasure Hunter - Opened 50 chests

Unstoppable - Completed a full year in Kirkwall without any party member being knocked unconscious




Epic - Completed Dragon Age II twice, or completed it once with a save imported from Dragon Age Origins




The Ultimate Reward - Completed all Bronze, Silver and Gold Trophies



Versteckte Trophäen




Conqueror - Defeated Meredith, knight-commander of Kirkwall's templars.

King of the Hill - Defeated the Arishok

Stone Cold - Defeated the rock wraith on your expedition into the Deep Roads




Arcane Defender - Sided with the mages five times

Mage Hunter - Sided with the templars five times



The ExiledPrince DLC




Avenged - Confronted the culprit behind the Vael family's murder. ('The Exiled Prince' downloadable content)

Cloak and Dagger - Met secretly with the agent of the Divine. ('The Exiled Prince' downloadable content)

Loyalty of the Prince - Earned either a friendship or rivalry with Sebastian. ('The Exiled Prince' downloadable content)

Memento - Gave Sebastian a family heirloom. ('The Exiled Prince' downloadable content)



Versteckte Trophäe




Retribution - Dealt with the mercenaries that killed the Vael family. ('The Exiled Prince' downloadable content)




Dig that long ball - In any mode (excluding HRD) hit a Home Run with a pitcher

Strong Arm - Throw the ball into the stands when attempting to throw out a runner at 1st

Fill'er Up - After falling behind in the count 0-2 work back to a full count. Must be completed vs. the CPU with both pitching and batting set to All-Star or higher difficulty

Sell Your Body - Make a diving catch in foul territory for an out

Patience... - Draw a 4 pitch walk in any mode. Must be completed vs. the CPU on All-Star or higher difficulty

Pesky... - In any single at bat, see 10 or more pitches. Must be completed vs. the CPU on All-Star or higher difficulty

Lean On Me - Pick off the CPU runner on 1st

The Bacon - In RttS, earn more than 20,000,000 over the course of your career

Cooperation - Win a co-op game

Advanced Cooperation - With different users controlling the pitcher and fielders, complete a strike 'em out throw 'em out double play

Experienced - Accumulate 100 XP across any online game modes

Have a CoW Man! - Compete in the Challenge of the Week in back to back weeks

Momma's Boy - In any season mode, hit a Home Run on Mother's Day with a pink bat

Daddy Long Legs - In any season mode, hit a triple on Father's Day

Poor Billy... - Win a game on an error

Stone Hands - Make 5 or more errors in a single game

The Billy Goat - In Season or Franchise mode, win the World Series as the Cubs. Good luck, you're going to need it! Must be full 9 inning games, simulating of World Series games will invalidate the trophy

Splash Down II - Hit a Home Run into the hot tub in Chase field

Swim With The Fishes - Hit a Home Run into the Ray's aquarium

Stay on Target - At Target Field, land your foul ball or tailing Home Run on the Target sign down the right field line

Ice Cold - Hit a Home Run to dead center in Coors Field

Salute the Troops - Win a game using the Padres while wearing Camo Jerseys

Day at the Beach - Hit a Home Run into the sand at Petco Park




Running Down a Dream - In a single game, steal 3rd twice. Must be completed vs. the CPU

Batting Performance Evaluated - As a Batter in RttS, have 3 or more "Good" or better At Bats in a single game at the MLB Level

Pitching Performance Evaluated - As a Pitcher in RttS, in a single game, face 6 or more consecutive batters achieving a "Good" or better rating at the MLB Level

Seasoned - Achieve an All-Star rank across all online game modes

Challenger - Place in the top 33% in any single week of Challenge of the Week




Insider - In any mode get an inside the park Home Run. Must be completed vs. the CPU

Psychic - With Guess Pitch on, in any mode, correctly guess 10 pitches in a row (Location OR Pitch) vs. the CPU on All-Star or higher difficulty.

Beat LA - Beat the Dodgers. Must be completed vs. the CPU with both pitching and batting set to Legend. RttS excluded

Yankees "Inhale Deeply Through The Mouth"! - Beat the Yankees. Must be completed vs. the CPU with both pitching and batting set to Legend. RttS excluded

Peak Training - In RTTS, reach level 5 in all training modes as a pitcher or a batter

Today... I am the greatest - In any mode, with any single player, accumulate 130 or more stolen bases in a single Season




100% Clear - This is the platinum trophy and is unlocked automatically when all trophies have been unlocked



Versteckte Trophäe




Tough Loss - As the away team, take a shutout into the bottom of the 9th and lose the game. Must be completed vs. the CPU




First blood! - Destroyed an enemy Creeper for the first time

Vibemaster destroyer - Destroyed the Vibemaster boss

Rocket Kill! - Destroyed any enemy with a rocket

Turret destroyer - Destroy a g-noid's turret

Raging drone! - Wiped out 10 enemies in Rage mode

Passed 10 levels - Passed 10 levels!

Passed 20 levels! - Passed 20 levels!

Passed 30 levels! - Passed 30 levels!

Passed 40 levels! - Passed 40 levels!

New Hope - Let's rock!




Game Finished - Passed all game levels




Medalist - Get awarded with at least one medal in every level





Die Liste steht zwar schon in den News, hier aber nochmal im gewohnten Format.



Eliteoperation – Schließt eine Story-Kampagnenmission in Elite-Schwierigkeit ab.

Neuling – Schließt einen Multiplayer-Wettkampf ab.

Gutes Spiel – Schließt einen Multiplayer-Wettkampf in jedem Spieltyp ab.

Gemeinsamer Angriff – Schließt eine benutzerdefinierte Kampagnenmission im Koop-Modus ab.

Sonderleistung – Schließt eine benutzerdefinierte Kampagnenmission im Einzelspielermodus ab.

Regierungsausgaben – Fordert während eurer Karriere insgesamt 10 Luftschläge an.

Tod von oben – Erledigt 5 Feinde mit einem einzigen Luftangriff.

Mann für alle Fahrzeuge – Zerstört während eurer Karriere insgesamt 50 Fahrzeuge.

Unbemerkter Angriff – Führt während einer Mission 10 Lautlos-Kills aus.

Grenadier – Erledigt während eurer Karriere insgesamt 25 Feinde mit Sprengstoff.

Massenveranstaltung – Erledigt 3 Feinde mit einer Sprengladung.

Jahrhundert-Killer – Erledigt während eurer Karriere insgesamt 100 Feinde.

Kopfjäger – Erledigt während eurer Karriere insgesamt 100 Feinde per Kopfschuss.

Hütchenspieler – Eliminiert 3 Feinde in Folge mit Kopfschüssen.

Vorpal – Erledigt während eurer Karriere insgesamt 25 Feinde mit Nahkampf-Kills.

Feldsanitäter – Belebt während eurer Karriere insgesamt 25 Teamkameraden wieder.

Bis an die Zähne bewaffnet – Schaltet alle Waffen im Kampagnenmodus frei.

Ich nenne sie Vera – Beherrscht eine Waffe in einem beliebigen Modus.

Allwissend – Sammelt in einer Story-Kampagnenmission eine Information.




Geheimoperationen – Bleibt als 45 in einer Story-Kampagnenmission erfolgreich unentdeckt.

Überflieger – Schließt im Einzelspieler- oder im Koop-Modus auf jeder Karte eine benutzerdefinierte Kampagnenmission ab.

Jahrtausend-Killer – Eliminiert während eurer Karriere insgesamt 1000 Feinde.

Taktikexperte – Schließt eine Story-Kampagnenmission ab und setzt nur eure Teamkameraden ein, um Feinde zu eliminieren.

Informationskrieg – Sammelt in der Story-Kampagne alle Informationen.




Das Beste vom Besten – Schließt die Story-Kampagne mit Elite-Schwierigkeit ab.

Hoch hinaus – Erreicht während eurer Karriere insgesamt 100 Ziele.

Saftig! – Beherrscht eine Waffe jeder Klasse in einem beliebigen Modus.

Die Elite-45 – Erledigt als 45 insgesamt 45 Feinde in der Story-Kampagne mit Lautlos-Kills.




Gesagt, getan – Erhaltet alle Bronze-, Silber- und Gold-Trophäen in SOCOM 4.




Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



Bewegungsmeister - Schließe ein Rennen ab, in dem du mit der Bewegungssensor-Funktion steuerst.

Luftangriff - Hole einen Mitfahrer von seinem Bike oder Quad, während ihr beide in der Luft seid.

Heiße Luft - Benutze die Regeneration in der Luft, um deine Boost-Anzeige im kritischen Bereich mit einem einzigen Sprung volständig zu kühlen.

Selbst gemacht - Passe dein Fahrzeug mit allen verfügbaren Mitteln an.

Energiesparend - Gewinne ein Rennen, ohne den Boost ein einziges Mal in den kritischen Bereich rutschen zu lassen.

Ziel anvisiert - Rahme und schrotte den gleichen Gegner zwei Mal in einem Rennen.

Hut ab! - Erhalte 250 Chips für einen einzigen Drift im Mehrspieler-Modus.

Die Mischung macht's - Schließe ein Rennen in jedem der Standard-Spielmodi ab.

Klar wie Kloßbrühe - Führe in einem einzigen Rennen 3 Stunts erfolgreich aus.

Machenschaften - Lege 5 Sekunden lang einen ununterbrochenen Wheelie hin.

Pech gehabt - Gewinne ein Rennen mit jeder der 13 Fahrzeugklassen.

FPR - Gewinne ein Rennen nur mit der Motorhaubenkamera.

Kfz-Mechaniker - Tausche bei allen 13 Fahrzeugklassen jeweils mindestens ein Fahrzeugteil aus.

Da drüben! - Sieh dir 5 einzigartige Rennzwischenfälle in 5 verschiedenen Rennen an.

Rundumschlag! - Schrotte 10 Gegner durch Rammen.

Hab eins! - Sammle 1 der versteckten MotorStorm-Karten.

"Willst du spielen?" - Schaffe es als Mash zur Party.

"Wir fahren unsere Rennen da drin?" - Schließe "Entgleist" als Mash ab.

"Friss meinen Staub, Raubein!" - Schließe "Ass" als Mash ab.

"Okay, also los geht's!" - Schließe "Kreditkrise" als Mash ab.

"Wenn du hier bleiben willst, halt die Klappe." - Schaffe es als Tyler zur Party.

"Ich warte nur auf einen Trottel, den ich schlagen kann." - Schliße "Straßerkrieger" als Tyler ab.

"Ich setze alles." - Schließe "Probefahrt im Vorort" als Tyler ab.

"Es geht um Leben und Tod." - Schließe "Endstation" als Tyler ab.

"Nur einer von uns wird diese Stadt lebend verlassen." - Schliße "Das Ende ist nahe" als Tyler ab.

"Gesperrt, dass ich nicht lache!" - Starte die Party als Big Dog.

"Zeit, diese Typen loszuwerden ..." - Schließe "Highway" als Big Dog ab.

"Was man anfängt, muss man auch zu Ende bringen." - Schließe "Letzte Fahrt" als Big Dog ab.

Und jetzt zum Haupt-Event ... - Bestehe 5 Spezial-Events.

Vorspeise für 10 - Bestehe 10 Spezial-Events.

Mit Gefühl - Schließe den erstes Online-Rennen ab.

Wo ist mein Geld? - Schließe eine Matchmaking-Wette ab und gewinne sie.

Gib mir fünf! - Erreiche Rang 5 im Mehrspieler-Modus.

Stapelweise - Erreiche Rang 15 im Mehrspieler-Modus.

Wo tust du sie alle hin? - Erhalte 50 Auszeichnungen im Mehrspieler-Modus.

Dekorierter Stormer - Erhalte 25 Medaillen im Mehrspieler-Modus.




Alle Gefunden! - Sammle 150 der versteckten MotorStorm-Karten.

"Einen magischen Nussriegel?" - Schließe "Eingebrannt" als Mash ab.

"Und Mash gewinnt!" - Überlebe das Festival als Mash.

"Ich nehme an, du stehst auf Ärger." - Schließe "Kriegsspiele" als Tyler ab.

"Noch Fragen?" - Schließe "Gischt" als Big Dog ab.

Perfekt - Bestehe 25 Spezial-Events.

Doppelt oder Nichts? - Gewinne eine Wette, während du eine x2-Glückssträhne hast.

Croupier - Erreiche Rang 30 im Mehrspieler-Modus.




"Wir sind die Besten ... so einfach ist das." - Überlebe das Festival als Tyler.

"Du bist erledigt." - Beende das Festival als Big Dog.

Jackpot - Erreiche Rang 40 im Mehrspieler-Modus.




Das Große - Gewinne jede andere Trophäe im Spiel.

Bearbeitet von Borussenfan



All About Town - Play all challenges in Challenge Mode

An Eye For Detail - Obtain every Bonus Prize in Challenge Mode

An Offer He Can't Refuse - Score 5 out of 5 for 'An Offer He Can't Refuse' from The Godfather

Apparently, It's Alive.. - Score 5 out of 5 for 'It's Alive!' from Frankenstein

Can't See You But I Can Hear You - Get an Invisible Actor rating during an 'Ad-Lib' performance

Children and Animals - Perform a Playlist using 5 on-disc scenes containing Children or Animals

Clip Show - Perform a Playlist with a Movie, a TV show, a Video Background and a Hollywood Set

Critic - Rate a scene on the Community

Double Act - Perform a scene with a friend

Endurance - Obtain 10 Epic Prizes in Challenge Mode

Extra! Extra! - Follow the link on 10 newsfeed items

First Scripted Scene - Perform your first Movie or TV scene with a 'Scripted' play style

First Unscripted Background - Perform your first Video Background or Hollywood Set scene

First Unscripted Scene - Perform your first Movie or TV scene with an 'Ad-Lib' play style

Flip the Script - Complete an 'Ad-Lib' performance without receiving any red medals during playback

Here's Lookin' At Yoo - Score 5 out of 5 for 'Here's Looking At You, Kid' from Casablanca

Hitting The Big City - Unlock Century City in Challenge Mode

Hollywood Set Completist - Perform every Hollywood Set on the disc

It's Just A Headache - Score 5 out of 5 for 'It's Not A Tumor!' from Kindergarten Cop

It's Not What You Say... - Get a Silent Movie Actor or Mime Artist rating during an 'Ad-Lib' performance

Map of the City - Unlock all Challenge Mode Zones

Master Of Ceremonies - Give out 100 Community Awards

Monochrome - Perform a Playlist using 5 black and white scenes on the disc

Movie Completist - Perform every Movie scene on the disc

Off By Heart - Get a Top Marks Prize for a No Teleprompter Challenge

One To Watch - Achieve 500,000 Fame

Paint the Town Gold - Master a 5-Challenge Zone

Paternal Vengeance - Score 5 out of 5 for Princess Bride's 'Tale Of The 6-Fingered Man'

Professional - Get 5 Top Marks Prizes for Performance Challenges

Prolific Actor - Perform 30 unique scenes

Seal Of Approval - Give out your first Community Award

The Method - Complete a 'Scripted' performance without receiving any red medals during playback

This…is…Yoostar! - Score 5 out of 5 for 'This Is Sparta!' from 300

Tour of the City - Obtain one Top Marks Prize in every Challenge Mode Zone

TV Completist - Perform every TV scene on the disc

Understatement - Score 5 out of 5 for 'Houston, We Have A Problem' from Apollo 13

Video Background Completist - Perform every Video Background on the disc

Welcome To The Community - Upload a scene and have it approved

Yoo'll Be Back - Score 5 out of 5 for 'I'll Be Back' from The Terminator

You've Done a ??? Job! - Get 3 Top Marks Prizes for Random Blanks Challenges




In the Limelight - Achieve 1,000,000 Fame

Keys to the City - Master Challenge Mode

Perfectionist - Obtain 5 'Awesome Line' Result Medals in a single scene

Pillar Of The Community - Upload 30 scenes and have them approved

Sound Bites - Perform a 5-scene Playlist and achieve a Classic Line medal in every scene

Superscore - Accumulate 10,000,000 points in total from multiple performances

The Triple - Get 3 'Awesome Line' Result Medals in a row during a performance

Veteran Critic - Rate 100 scenes on the Community




Red Carpet Superstar - Achieve 2,500,000 Fame

Yoostar Completist - Perform every scene on the disc.




Yoostar Megastar - Obtain every Trophy in Yoostar2!




A Day in the Life - Play a game of MLB Today.

A Job Well Done - Win 100+ games in a season in My Player Mode.

A Pitcher's Best Friend - Turn a double play in a non-simulated game.

Count It - Complete and win a ranked match.

Domination - Strikeout 200 batters with your user profile.

Don't Call it a Comeback - Win after being down by 4 after the 6th inning in a non-simulated game.

Down But Not Out - Get a hit with 2 strikes in a non-simulated game.

Dual Threat - Steal base with pitcher in a non-simulated game.

Grab Some Pine - Get a strikeout to end the inning in a non-simulated game.

He Taketh Away - Rob a Home Run in a non-simulated game.

I Came, I Saw... - Hit a Walk-off Home Run in a non-simulated game.

I Like to be Thorough - Hit for the Cycle in a non-simulated game.

King of the Hill - Get to the top of the Best of the Best ladder in Home Run Derby® Mode.

Learning the Ropes - Achieve gold in all the drills.

My Fellow Man - Complete and win an online league game.

My Main Squeeze - Bunt the man home in a non-simulated game.

No Hole too Deep - Battle Back: Down 0-2, get walked in a non-simulated game.

Payback - Hit a HR off a former team in My Player Mode.

Power Grab - Hit 50 HR with your user profile.

Production - Drive in 250 RBI with your user profile.

Remember Me - Break a record in Franchise Mode. (play at least 20 games)

State Farm™- The Road to Victory - Get 3 consecutive batters on base in a non-simulated game.

Stooges - Strikeout all three hitters in the inning in a non-simulated game.

Take That - Get an RBI after being brushed back off the plate in a non-simulated game.

The Goal - Accomplish a Team Season Goal in My Player Mode.

The Road to Greatness - Complete and win 3 ranked matches in a row.

The Spice of Life - Play 10 ranked matches using 10 different teams.

The Star - Make the All-Star team in My Player Mode.

The Start of Something Special - Lead off an inning by hitting a triple in a non-simulated game.

The Team to Beat - Beat the San Francisco Giants in a completed online match.

This is Why I'm Here - Be successful in a major league clutch moment in My Player Mode.

To the Rescue - Get a save with the tying run on base in a non-simulated game.

You're Special - Win a Season award in Franchise Mode. (play at least 20 games)

Your Day - Win player of the game in an MLB game in My Player Mode.




2-Peat - Win Back to Back World Series® in My Player Mode.

A Virtue - Face 10 pitches as the batter in a non-simulated game.

Mid-Summer Classic - Play the All-Star game in MLB Today.

Mr. Consistency - Get a hit in all 9 innings in a non-simulated game.

The Call - Get called up to the Majors in My Player Mode.

The Champs - Win a World Series® in Franchise Mode. (play at least 20 games)

The Hall - Make the Hall of Fame in My Player Mode.

The Top - Become the #1 ranked player in your My Player organization.




One Man Show - Throw a Perfect Game or a No-Hitter on Pro or higher in a 9 inning game, in a non-simulated game.

What's Your Ring Size? - Win a World Series® in My Player Mode.




Walk Off - Unlock all Trophies




Medal of Honor - Win a public match as the Party Leader of a Party in Multiplayer.

Squad Commander - Enter a public match as the Party Leader of a 4-Player Minimum Party in Multiplayer.

Drone Expert - Complete an expert challenge for any drone in Multiplayer.

Weapon Expert - Complete an expert challenge for any weapon in Multiplayer.

Safer Skies - Destroy all the SAM trucks in the level in Chapter 6: Overwatch.

Speed Demon - Hijack the tankers in less than 8 minutes in one life in Chapter 6: Overwatch.

Stairway to Heaven - From the front door of the church, make it to the crow’s nest in 240 seconds in Chapter 5: Heartland.

Chronicler - Find the first of 61 news pickups.

David Rejected - Complete the street section without Goliath taking any damage in Chapter 4: The Wall.

Let 'em Burn - Don't kill any of the enemies that are on fire in Chapter 3: Fire Sale.

Mercy - Kill 5 enemies while they are on fire in Chapter 3: Fire Sale.

Good Use of Cover - Destroy the first sentry without taking any damage in Chapter 2: Freedom.

Bronze Welcome to Freedom - Talk at least once to each inhabitant of Oasis in Chapter 2: Freedom.

Give Him the Stick - Kill 25 enemies with melee attacks in Chapter 1: Why We Fight.

Pistol Whipped - Kill 25 enemies with a pistol in Chapter 1: Why We Fight.

Archivist - Find 30 of 61 News Pickups in the Single Player Campaign.

Iron Man – Heartland - Complete chapter 5 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Iron Man - The Wall - Complete chapter 4 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Iron Man - Fire Sale - Complete chapter 3 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Iron Man – Freedom - Complete chapter 2 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Iron Man - Why We Fight - Complete chapter 1 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Heartland – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 5 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.

The Wall – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 4 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.

Fire Sale – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 3 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.

Freedom – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 2 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.

Why We Fight – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 1 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.

Overwatch - Complete chapter 6 in the Single Player Campaign.

Heartland - Complete chapter 5 in the Single Player Campaign.

The Wall - Complete chapter 4 in the Single Player Campaign.

Fire Sale - Complete chapter 3 in the Single Player Campaign.

Freedom - Complete chapter 2 in the Single Player Campaign.

Why We Fight - Complete chapter 1 in the Single Player Campaign.




3-Star Threat - Become a 3-Star threat in a Battle Commander public match.

Full Boat - Enter a public match in a Party with 16 players in Multiplayer.

Over the Hill - Reach experience level 50 in Multiplayer.

Iron Man – Overwatch - Complete chapter 6 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Overwatch – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 6 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.




5-Star Threat - Become a 5-Star threat in a Battle Commander public match.

Expert Of War - Complete all challenges for weapons, drones, vehicles, and modes in Multiplayer.

Historian - Find all 61 News Pickups in the Single Player Campaign.



Platinum Trophy - Complete all other trophies for Homefront.




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  • Beiträge

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