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Japanische Version

(insgesamt 50 Trophäen)



Sub Story 10 - Clear 10 Sub Stories

Sub Story 30 - Clear 30 Sub Stories

Sub Story 80 - Clear 80 Sub Stories

Fat arm - You spent over 300.000 Yen in a Cabaret in one go

Good Coordinator - You coordinated the girls well in the Kabatsuku

Wanderer of the key - You opened all of the top row of lockers of both Kamiyacho and Ryukuchu

Master Gourme - You ordered the most expensive menu in all restaurants and bars

Hit Action Master - You made Hit Action your finishing move in 50 battles

Legendary Champion - You won all the tournaments

Champaign for sampling - You remodeled your weapon once

Started a blog - Adquired one revelation

The road to the trial - Met all the masters

Este-mania - Played the 2 Este mode

Hattrick - Got a Hattrick with the darts

Break Ace - Got a break Ace with ball 9 at billard

Karaoke King - Played all Karaoke songs

Boiled Turkey - Got a turkey at bowling

Rare Gambler - Obtain a total of 10.000 points in all "Chinchirorin", "The odd number", "Koikoi" and "Oichokabu"

Great Gambler - Obtain a total of 10.000 points in roulette, Black Jack and Poker

Pro Gamer - You got all Trophies in all 3 games of the game center(took 10 stuffed toys from the UFO catcher, won 10 rounds of "Answer x Answer" and got a highscore at shooting)

Firm player - Won a game of shogi without ever moving the king

Sunbathing Dragon - You called at Mahjohng whilst still waiting for the horse

Nice Hitter - You got two hits in a row at the batting center

Powerful driver - Flew 350 yards golf`s conpe mode

Tuna General - Caught a tuna whilst fishing

Ultimate Challenger - Clear all competitions and modes after clearing the game

Marathon Runner - Ran 42,195 km

Boss 1 - Scenario Mode Chapter 1: Defeat Majima

Boss 2 - Scenario Mode Chapter 2: Defeat Rikiya

Boss 3 - Scenario Mode Chapter 3: Defeat Tamashiro

Boss 4 - Scenario Mode Chapter 4: Defeat Hasebe

Boss 5 - Scenario Mode Chapter 5: Defeat the mysterious Foreigner

Boss 6 - Scenario Mode Chapter 6: Defeat Kanda

Boss 7 - Scenario Mode Chapter 7: Defeat Majima again

Boss 8 - Scenario Mode Chapter 8: Defeat Rao Caron

Boss 9 - Scenario Mode Chapter 9: Defeat Kazama

Our thanks, from all the staff - Clear the Game

Runaway train - Run over 100 people

Human watcher - Fought 10 encounter battles in subjective mode introduction

Destroyer - Broke 100 arms that were arranged for battle

Voluntier - Picked up 5 rubbish items from the beach of Asagao




Boss 10 - Scenario Mode Chapter 10: Defeat Shige

Walking Bank - Posses more than 10 million Yen

Eco Master - Picked up 30 rubbish items from the beach of Asagao




Big-arm Hunter - Captured all Hitmen

Mini-Game Master - Completed all Mini-Games

The strongest Proof - Cleared the extra hard difficult after clearing the game




Platinum Trophie - Got all Trophies in the Game



Nordamerikanische & Europäische Version

Da einige Inhalte fehlen, ist die Trophäenliste auch etwas kürzer (insgesamt 46 Trophäen)




Substory Dabbler - Complete 10 substories.

Substory Fan - Complete 30 substories.

Substory Enthusiast - Complete 50 substories.

Substory Addict - Complete 80 substories.

Bounty Hunter - Apprehend all hitmen.

Gourmet Aficionado - Order the most expensive item(s) in all restaurants.

HEAT Action Pro - Finish 50 battles with HEAT actions.

Tinkerer - Make a mod weapon.

Blogging Debut - Have your first Revelation.

Path of the Warrior - Encounter all the masters.

Hat Trick - Get a hat trick in darts.

Break Ace - Get a break ace in Nine-Ball pool.

Karaoke King - Sing all songs at karaoke.

Fowl Play - Get a turkey while bowling.

Tag Hoarder - Earn a combined total of 10,000 points in cee-lo, cho-han, koi-koi and oicho-kabu.

Chip Hoarder - Earn a combined total of 10,000 points in poker, roulette and blackjack.

Pro Gamer - Complete trophy conditions for the games in the arcade. Get 10 stuffed animals in UFO Catcher, and get a high score in the shooting game.

Skilled Hitter - Hit 2 panels with one ball in the Hard game at the batting cage.

Power Driver - Hit a 350 yard drive in Competition Mode in golf.

Big Tuna - Catch a tuna.

Ultimate Challenger - Play all rounds in Ultimate Skill mode after beating the game.

Marathon Runner - Run 42,195km.




Key Collector - Open all the lockers in the top row in both Kamurocho and Downtown Ryuku.

Legendary Champion - Claim victory in all Coliseum tournaments.

Walking Bank - Accumulate 10,000,000 yen.




Substory Completionist - Complete all substories.

Minigame Master - Complete all minigames.

Testament to Strength - Beat the game on Extra Hard.




Platinum - Platinum Trophy


Versteckte Trophies




Majima Defeated - Defeat Majima in Chapter 1.

Rikiya Defeated - Defeat Rikiya in Chapter 2.

Tamashiro Defeated - Defeat Tamashiro in Chapter 3.

Hasebe Defeated - Defeat Hasebe in Chapter 4.

Mysterious Foreigner Defeated - Defeat the Mysterious Foreigner in Chapter 5.

Kanda Defeated - Defeat Kanda in Chapter 6.

Majima Defeated Again - Defeat Majima again in Chapter 7.

Lau Ka Long Defeated - Defeat Lau Ka Long in Chapter 8.

Fuma Defeated - Defeat Fuma in Chapter 10.

Thank You! -YAKUZA 3 Team- - Beat the game.

Careless Dragon - Knock over 100 people.

People Watcher - Initiate 10 battles using first-person mode.

Compulsive Vandal - Break 100 weapons picked up in battle.

Volunteer - Pick up 5 pieces of trash on Sunshine Beach.




Mine Defeated - Defeat Mine in Chapter 12.

Master Environmentalist - Remove 30 pieces of garbage from Sunshine beach.

Bearbeitet von Scheich
  • 2 Wochen später...
Ich könnte heulen das Spiel is so geil der erste und zweite waren schon geil, Wenn ich wenigstens wüsste wo ich es mit Englishen Untertitel herbekomme


Derzeit gibt es das Spiel nur auf Japanisch. Ich könnte auch kotzen.^^


Ich hoffe noch auf einen US-Release, damit man es sich wenigstens importieren und verstehen kann.

  • 2 Monate später...

Ich hätte mal eine frage, wenn ich mir jetzt das Spiel

"Yakuza 3 Ryu Ga Gotoku" über ein großes Online Auktionshaus bestellen würde, gäbe es da irgendwie Probleme mit dem Zoll?? Weil das Spiel kommt aus Japan und ist erst ab 18J. Muss ich etwas bsonderes beachten?? Oder kann ich einfach so bestellen??...

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