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One Race Cup - The player must win 1 race at any difficulty level

One Record Cup - The player must beat 1 track record in Time Attack mode

One Online Race Cup - The player must win 1 online race

One Challenge Cup - The player must complete 1 challenge

One Card Cup - The player must unlock 1 card from all reward system decks

Three Races Cup - The player must win 3 races at any difficulty level

Three Records Cup - The player must beat 3 track records in Time Attack mode

Three Online Races Cup - The player must win 3 online races

Three Challenges Cup - The player must complete 3 challenges




Five Online Races Cup - The player must win 5 online races

Five Records Cup - The player must beat 5 track records in Time Attack mode

Five Races Cup - The player must win 5 races of any difficulty level

Five Challenges Cup - The player must complete 5 challenges

Five Cards Cup - The player must unlock 5 cards from all reward system decks

Lord of Online Races Cup - The player must win 10 online races

Lord of Records Cup - The player must beat 10 track records in Time Attack mode




Master of Challenges Cup - The player must complete all challenges

Master of Online Races Cup - The player must win 20 online races

Master of Races Cup - The player must win 20 races of any difficulty level




King of Cups - When the player collects ALL cups, he wins the Platinum Trophy




Versteckte Trophies




Three Cards Cup - The player must unlock 3 cards from all reward system decks




Lord of Races Cup - The player must win 10 races of any difficulty level

Lord of Cards Cup - The player must unlock 10 cards from all reward system decks

Lord of Challenges Cup - The player must complete 10 challenges




Master of Championship Cup - The player must win 1 championship at any difficulty level

Master of Records Cup - The player must beat all track records in Time Attack mode

Master of Cards Cup - The player must unlock all cards from all reward system decks

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