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Empfohlene Beiträge

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Item Warrior - Beat floors 1 to 100 in an Item World without exiting.

Wise Innocents - Defeat Wise Innocents in the Item World.

Defeat Eryngi Pirates - Defeat Eryngi Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Donnax2 Pirates - Defeat Donnax2 Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Lucky Pirates - Defeat Lucky Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Cheerates - Defeat the Cheerates in the Item World.

Defeat Cowboy Pirates - Defeat the Cowboy Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Asian Pirates - Defeat the Asian Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Sports Pirates - Defeat the Sports Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Pirate Cleaners - Defeat the Pirate Cleaners in the Item World.

Defeat Ghost Pirates - Defeat the Ghost Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Z Pirates - Defeat Z Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Horizon Pirates - Defeat the Horizon Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat UFO Pirates - Defeat the UFO Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Pirate Club - Defeat the Pirate Club in the Item World.

Defeat Garden Pirates - Defeat the Garden Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Boney Pirates - Defeat the Boney Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Kit Cat Pirates - Defeat the kit Cat Pirates in the Item World. Comes out after 80th floor

Defeat Element Pirates - Defeat the Element Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Shinsengumi - Defeat the Shinsengumi in the Item World.

Defeat Red Pirates - Defeat the Red Pirates in the Item World.

Treasure Raider - Get all the treasure boxes in the Treasure Room in the Item World.

Obey the Cat God - Talk to the Cat God at the top of the Treasure Tower.

Reverse Bandit - Get all the Reverse Pirating treasure boxes.

Who Wants to be a Milliondamagaire - Do over 1,000,000 damage.

100,000,000 Damage Pyramid - Do over 100,000,000 damage.

Attack of the Counter 9 - Counter Attack over 9 times.

Cinco de Panelo - Clear Geo Panels with 5 color changes in a row.

10 Block Combo - Clear Geo Blocks with 10 color changes in a row.

Consult Your Physician - Play for over 10 hours without stopping.

ABC's of Hitting - Get hit by ABC Gum. Keep talking to the Prinny statue at the HQ

10 Piece Combo Meal - Defeat an enemy with 10 combos or more.

Jumptastic! - Jump inside Evil Academy 100 times.

The Ten Towers - Defeat an enemy with a 10 story tower.

Axel's Rose - Find Axel in the Item World.

Persuade by Force - Force the Student Council to approve your Home Room request.

Combo No. 255 - Accomplish over 255 combos in battle.

Capture Enemy - Capture an enemy during battle.

Magichangician - Magichange 5 times in a battle.

Receive 4, Move 20 - Receive 4 times and move over 20 panels.

Receive 9, Move 60 - Receive 9 times and move over 60 panels.




Trophy Shop Trophy - Get a Trophy from a Trophy Shop on the 90th floor.

Defeat Prinny Pirates - Defeat the Prinny Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat 10 Gents Pirates - Defeat the 10 Gents Pirates in the Item World.

Defeat Baal Pirates - Defeat the Baal Pirates in the Item World.

Reverse Robber - Steal from all the Innocents while Reverse Pirating.




Carnagenist - Beat floors 1 to 100 in a Land of Carnage Item World without exiting.

Reverse Viking - Steal from all the Innocents and treasure boxes while Reverse Pirating.

The Ten Billion Damage Man - Do over 10,000,000,000 damage.



4.0 GPA - Get all other trophies.

Bearbeitet von Scheich

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