Scheich Geschrieben 28. Oktober 2009 Geschrieben 28. Oktober 2009 (bearbeitet) Bronze Flawless Groove - Score 100% notes hit as bassist, up-strums only, on Expert Flawless Drumming - Score 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert Flawless Fretwork - Score a 100% rating as a guitarist on Expert Flawless Singing - Score a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert Silber Some People Call Me Maurice - 5-Star "The Joker" by Steve Miller Band using Guitar or Vocals on any difficulty Don't You Wait Or Hesitate - 5-Star "All Right Now" by Free using Guitar or Vocals on any difficulty Each Must Know His Part - 5-Star "Closer to the Heart" by Rush using either Vocals or Drums on any difficulty I Understand About Competition - 5-Star "Peace of Mind" by Boston using Vocals or Guitar on any difficulty Just Another Band Out Of Boston - Gold Star "Rock and Roll Band" by Boston with a full band Robbin' Banks With A Six-Gun - 5-Star "Take the Money and Run" by Steve Miller Band using Guitar or Drums on any difficulty All True What Your Girlfriends Say - 5-Star "Can't Stand Losing You" by The Police with a full band You're a Star-Belly Sneech - 5-Star "Holiday in Cambodia" by Dead Kennedys using Bass or Vocals on any difficulty Bearbeitet 15. Oktober 2010 von Scheich
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