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Empfohlene Beiträge

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



Kingdom's Commission 1 - Complete the first Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commission 2 - Complete the second Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commission 3 - Complete the third Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commission 4 - Complete the fourth Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commission 5 - Complete the fifth Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commission 6 - Complete the sixth Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commission 7 - Complete the seventh Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commission 8 - Complete the eighth Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commission 9 - Complete the ninth Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commission 10 - Complete the tenth Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commission 11 - Complete the eleventh Kingdom's Commission.

Kingdom's Commissions Cleared - Complete the last Kingdom's Commission.

True Ending - Watch the true ending.

Good Ending - Watch the good ending.

Normal Ending - Watch the normal ending.

Bad Ending - Watch the bad ending.

Game Over - Watch the game over event.

Adventure Level 50 Achieved - Achieve adventure level 50.

Alchemy Level 50 Achieved - Achieve alchemy level 50.

Cabbage Festival Champion - Win during the Cabbage Festival

Dragon Killer - Defeat the Dragon.

Demon Hunter - Defeat the Demon.

Destroyer - Defeat the Iron Golem.




Monster Encyclopedia Complete - Completely fill up the Monster Encyclopedia.

Item Encyclopedia Complete - Completely fill up the Item Encyclopedia.

Hom Level 50 Achieved - Achieve level 50 with Hom.

Town Reputation 100 - Achieve a rating of 100% in town reputation.

Everybody's Friendship 100 - Achieve a rating of 100 in friendship with all friends and shop keepers.

Battle Arena Champion - Win during the Battle Arena competition.




Complete - Obtain all of the trophies.


Versteckte Trophäen




Rorona's Atelier - Watch the event where Rorona is put in change of Atelier.

Puppet Show's Curtain Raising - Watch the event where Lionela first appears.

The Bard Of The Forest - Watch the event where Tantoris first appears.

Phatom Of The Stuff Bear - Watch the event where Pamela first appears.

Reconciliation - Watch the event where peace is made with Cuderia.

Wound Of Honour - Watch the event where Sterkenburg is injured.

Very Busy Resturant - Watch the event where you help out at Yksel's restaurant.

Girl And Puppets - Watch the event where Alana and Holoholo are cured.

Instrumental Duo - Watch the event where you play music together with Tantoris.

Sliced Down The Middle - Watch the event where Gio deals with a monster.

Hom And A Kitten - Watch the event with Hom and a cat.

Which Drunken Tiffina? - Watch the event where you get involved with a drunken Tiffina.

All together, To The Lake - Watch the event where everyone goes to the lake.

Cuderia's Ending - Watch Cuderia's ending.

Gio's Ending - Watch Gio's ending.

Sterkenburg's Ending - Watch Sterkenburg's ending.

Yksel's Ending - Watch Yksel's ending.

Lionela's Ending - Watch Lionela's ending.

Tantoris's Ending - Watch Tantoris's ending.




Pie Master's Ending - Watch the Pie Master's ending.

Adventurer's Ending - Watch the Adventurer's ending.




Astrid's Ending - Watch Astrid's ending.

Rich Ending - Watch the Rich ending.

Bearbeitet von Scheich

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