Scheich Geschrieben 2. Dezember 2009 Geschrieben 2. Dezember 2009 (bearbeitet) Bronze Pro Battlegear Collector - Found 20 different Battlegear items Apprentice Battlegear Collector - Found 10 different Battlegear items Pro Mugic Collector - Added 20 different Mugic spells to the Mugic Pool Master Mugic Collector - Added 15 different Mugic spells to the Mugic Pool Apprentice Mugic Collector - Added 10 different Mugic spells to the Mugic Pool Novice Mugic Collector - Added 5 different Mugic spells to the Mugic Pool Pro Creature Collector - Added 20 different Creatures to the Creature Pool Master Creature Collector - Added 15 different Creatures to the Creature Pool Apprentice Creature Collector - Added 10 different Creatures to the Creature Pool Novice Creature Collector - Added 5 different Creatures to the Creature Pool Silber Master online player - Won 30 Ranked battles Apprentice online player - Won 20 Ranked battles Novice online player - Won 10 Ranked battles Battlegear Curator - Found 30 different Battlegear items Mugic Curator - Found all the different Mugic spells in the game Apprentice Mugic Curator - Added 25 different Mugic spells to the Mugic Pool Apprentice Creature Curator - Added 30 different Creatures to the Creature Pool Into the Gothos Tower - Found the way into the Gothos Tower Defeated Shadow Takinom - Defeated the Shadow Takinom army in Fear Valley The Break Out - Break out of the Prison Cell in Mount Pillar Found Maxxor - Found Maxxor in Gigantempopolis Gold Online Ruler - Won 50 Ranked battles No Secret - Found all the secret locations in the game Creature Curator - Found all the different Creatures in the game Creature Ruler - Defeated all the Creatures in Story Mode Game Over - Finished the game in Story Mode Tribe Collector - Scanned and refined at least one Creature from every Tribe Platin Ruler of them all - Collect all of the Chaotic: Shadow Warriors Trophies. Bearbeitet 12. Oktober 2010 von Scheich
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