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Empfohlene Beiträge



Set Black Knight - Set a high score on Black Knight

Set Firepower - Set a high score on Firepower

Set Funhouse - Set a high score on Funhouse

Set Gorgar - Set a high score on Gorgar

Set Jive Time - Set a high score on Jive Time

Set Medieval Madness - Set a high score on Medieval Madness

Set No Good Gofers - Set a high score on No Good Gofers

Set Pin*Bot - Set a high score on Pin*Bot

Set Sorcerer - Set a high score on Sorcerer

Set Space Shuttle -Set a high score on Space Shuttle

Set Tales of the Arabian Nights - Set a high score on Tales of the Arabian Nights

Set Taxi - Set a high score on Taxi

Set Whirlwind - Set a high score on Whirlwind



Beat Williams Challenge - Unlock Jive Time



Unlock All Tables - Unlock all tables into freeplay mode.

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