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Episode 1




EP1: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP1: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP1: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold awarded time during the Story Mode




EP1: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP1: Sherlock Is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story




EP1: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit

EP1: Made it to the end - This trophy is awarded when the player finishes Episode One



Episode 2




EP2: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode


EP2: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP2: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold awarded time during the Story Mode




EP2: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP2: Sherlock Is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story Mode




EP2: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit



Episode 3




EP3: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP3: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP3: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold award time during the Story Mode




EP3: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP3: Sherlock is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story Mode




EP3: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit



Episode 4




EP4: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP4: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP4: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold award time during the Story Mode




EP4: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP4: Sherlock is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story Mode




EP4: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit


Episode 5




EP5: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP5: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP5: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold award time during the Story Mode




EP5: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP5: Sherlock is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story Mode



EP5: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit



Episode 6




EP6: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP6: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP6: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold award time during the Story Mode



EP6: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP6: Sherlock is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story Mode




EP6: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit

Bearbeitet von Scheich

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  • Beiträge

    • Ist mir zu anstrengend. ☺️ Glaube ich komme da auch wegen der Ego Perspektive nicht rein. Mir fehlt da irgendwas. 
    • man braucht quasi nur die richtigen Minuten im Braindance wissen, dann ist es ein Klacks. Ist schnell gegoogelt 😅
    • So es ist vollbracht - Terminator Resistance zu Ende gebracht. Habe auch alle Nebenmissionen brav gemacht, u.a. um auch beide amourösen Abenteuer mitnehmen zu können. Genau genommen ist das ja schon etwas fragwürdig - Liebe gegen Gefallen. 😁 Den Mittelteil fand ich am schwersten. Da kommt ja schon immer alles zusammen. Und 8 Terminatoren in einem Haus nur mit Schleichen und Messer - da musste ich ehrlich gesagt bisschen hin- und herlaufen - zum Zwischenspeichern. Sonst würde ich da heute noch dran sitzen. Zum Ende hin wurde es eigentlich immer leichter - auch mit den Upgrades und neuen Waffen. Gab dann noch ne schöne Endschlacht - war mir aber echt zu kurz und das Ende war etwas unbefriedigend. Steuerung ist etwas empfindlich. Muss man aufpassen, wenns hektisch wird, vertauscht man schnell mal seine Ausrüstungsplätze und hat dann statt einem Medikit ne Zeitlupenspritze in der Hand. Fazit: Sehr schönes Spiel. Toller Soundtrack, tolles Waffensystem. Das hacken ist auch immer cool. Lohnt sich auf jeden Fall. Und es gab massig goldene Trophäen. Mir persönlich jetzt nicht so wichtig, aber glaube hab in dem Spiel so viel goldene bekommen, wie sonst vielleicht in 10 Spielen. Gibt ja noch einen DLC. Ist der auch zu empfehlen ? Als nächstes werde ich mir aus dem Genre Robocop vornehmen. Allerdings hab ichs mir für PC geholt, weil ich es mit dem UEVR Mod in VR spielen wollte. Wird aber wohl bei Flat bleiben, da selbst meine 4090er mobile das wohl nicht schafft. Flackert wie die Hölle. Nicht so schlimm. Hab genug noch für VR. U.a. den neuen Crysis Mod.  
    • Hat Sony den PC Release vergessen?😅   Grad mal nachgeschaut: Man kann SM2 auf Steam immer noch nicht vorbestellen und das Spiel kommt morgen um 12 Uhr Nachts raus. So wird das der nächste PC Flop...  
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