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Episode 1




EP1: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP1: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP1: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold awarded time during the Story Mode




EP1: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP1: Sherlock Is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story




EP1: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit

EP1: Made it to the end - This trophy is awarded when the player finishes Episode One



Episode 2




EP2: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode


EP2: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP2: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold awarded time during the Story Mode




EP2: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP2: Sherlock Is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story Mode




EP2: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit



Episode 3




EP3: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP3: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP3: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold award time during the Story Mode




EP3: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP3: Sherlock is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story Mode




EP3: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit



Episode 4




EP4: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP4: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP4: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold award time during the Story Mode




EP4: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP4: Sherlock is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story Mode




EP4: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit


Episode 5




EP5: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP5: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP5: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold award time during the Story Mode




EP5: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP5: Sherlock is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story Mode



EP5: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit



Episode 6




EP6: The Math Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most math-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP6: The Logic Master - This trophy is awarded when the player earns a gold medal in the most logic-intensive puzzle of the episode during the Story Mode

EP6: The Fastest Answer - This trophy is awarded the first time a player solves a puzzle in half of the gold award time during the Story Mode



EP6: Case Reviewed - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly answers all the Case Review questions

EP6: Sherlock is Alive - This trophy is awarded after the player earns a gold medal in all the puzzles during the Story Mode




EP6: Mystery Solved - This trophy is awarded after the player correctly identifies the culprit

Bearbeitet von Scheich

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  • Beiträge

    • Es gab hier vor 13 Jahren tatsächlich mal ein User, der Morgenlatte hieß. Das waren diese niveaulosen Play3-Dummzeiten. Chaos pur ohne Sinn und Verstand.    https://www.play3.de/forum/index.php?/profile/36254-morgenlatte/
    • Für mich bis heute das mir Abstand hübscheste PS5 Spiel.
    • Was ich nur etwas schade finde, das man nur Trophäen bekommt, wenn man das Game gekauft hat. Dann hätte ich mir noch gewünscht, das in jeden Kapitel versteckte Gegenstände sind. Aber ist jetzt nicht der Weltuntergang, da das Game im Gesamtpaket einfach richtig stark ist für mich persönlich.
    • Ich kann mich nicht mehr an das genaue Datum erinnern, doch es müsste so in etwa Weihnachten 1990 gewesen sein, als der NES unterm Baum lag und bei meinem Bruder und mir funkeln in den Augen hinterliess. 🤩 Ich war zwar gerade erst mal 5 Jahre jung, doch unglaublich fasziniert von dem Ding auch wenn ich noch keinen wirklichen Plan hatte was da auf mich zukommt. ☺️ Mein Bruder der 5 Jahre älter ist, hatte da schon mehr den Durchblick. Ich kann mich noch erinnern, dass es einige Zeit dauerte bis meine Eltern den NES damals zum laufen gebracht hatten, bzw. den richtigen Sender (glaube Kanal 0 war es damals) fanden. Alle warteten aber gespannt vor dem Fernseher und waren sprachlos als das erste Bild auf dem TV erschien! 🤯😱😅 Magic Moment! Danach ging dann mit SuperMario Bros das grosse Entertainment los! Glaube meine Grosseltern waren damals leicht überfordert als sie SuperMario das erste Mal hüpfen sahen und hörten! 😊 Aber alle hatten einen riesen Spass und haben Tränen gelacht!  Kann mich nicht mehr an alle Spiele erinnern die wir damals fürs NES hatten, aber da mein Vater grosser Western Fan war/ist, hatte er uns GunSmoke geholt, was ich sogar bis heute noch als richtig nice empfinde. Abseits davon gab es später noch TMNT und Nintendo World Cup. Für Abwechslung war also gesorgt!  War ne wirklich schöne Zeit und gleichzeitig auch der Beginn meiner Leidenschaft für das Medium Videospiele! 😌    
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