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Empfohlene Beiträge



Defeated a Monster!

Kill an Enemy with the Sword.


Shot a Monster!

Kill an Enemy with the Bow and Arrow.

Blew Up a Monster!

Kill an Enemy with the Bomb.

Already got used to it?

Play the game for 5 hours.


Your Protected Yourself!

Guard an Enemies Attack.


Defeated a Giant Enemy!

Kill a Guardian.


Defeated the Snake! (Hidden)

Defeat the Snake without taking any damage.


Defeated the Queen Bee! (Hidden)

Defeat the Queen Bee without taking any damage.


Defeated the Giga Golem! (Hidden)

Defeat the Giga Golem without taking any damage.


Defeated the Kraken! (Hidden)

Defeat the Kraken without taking any damage.


Defeated the Dragon! (Hidden)

Defeat the Dragon without taking any damage.


Defeated the Dark Knight! (Hidden)

Defeat the Dark Knight without taking any damage.


Defeat Priest Fuelle! (Hidden)

Defeat Priest Fuelle without taking any damage.


Defeat the Dark Lord Onyx. (Hidden)

Defeat the Dark Lord Onyx without taking any damage.


Found Sue! (Hidden)

Find Sue.


Found Ai! (Hidden)

Find Ai.


You Casted a Spell!

Use Shader Magic.

Look After Your Health!

You’ve obtained the maximum amount of LIFE!

Use Magic!

You’ve obtained the maximum amount of MAGIC!


The Princess Appears! (Hidden)

Return the Princess to her normal form.


And, It’s Already Dawn… (Hidden)

Stay at an Inn with the Princess.


The Adventure Still Continues! (Hidden)

Clear the game without returning the Princess to her normal form.


Everybody Is Happy! (Hidden)

Return the princess to her normal form and clear the game.

Registered a Monster!

Register an Enemy in the Encyclopaedia.


Registered the Snake! (Hidden)

Register the Snake in the Encyclopaedia.


Registered the Queen Bee! (Hidden)

Register the Queen Bee in the Encyclopaedia.


Registered the Giga Golem! (Hidden)

Register the Giga Golem in the Encyclopaedia.


Registered the Kraken! (Hidden)

Register the Kraken in the Encyclopaedia.

Registered the Dragon! (Hidden)

Register the Dragon in the Encyclopaedia.


Registered the Dark Knight! (Hidden)

Register the Dark Knight in the Encyclopaedia.


Registered Priest Fuelle! (Hidden)

Register Priest Fuelle in the Encyclopaedia.


Obtained The Sword Of The Ancients! (Hidden)

Obtain the Sword of the Ancients.


What’s That? You Obtained The Sacred Sword! (Hidden)

Obtain the Sacred Sword.


Interested In The Block King! (Hidden)

Obtain a sword by collecting little blocks.


Your Sword Has Got Stronger!

Improve your Sword.


Exorbitantly Wide and Long…! (Hidden)

Upgrade the Dynamo Sword to its maximum.


Celebrate! Spelunker 10 Hours! (Hidden)

Play Spelunkers mode for 10 hours.


Lucky Sevens (Hidden)

Hold exactly 777 Gold.


Someone Wants To Join In!

Create an Edit Character.

Took A Memento Photo!

Take a Photo.


Obtained The Heroes Shield! (Hidden)

Obtain the Heroes Shield.


Saved A Spelunker! (Hidden)

Clear the Spelunker Event.



Registered the Dark Lord Onyx! (Hidden)

Register the Dark Lord Onyx in the Encyclopaedia.


Obtained The Heroes Sword! (Hidden)

Obtain the Heroes Sword.


Travelled Around The World!

Go to all Maps.


A Hero Is Never Defeated! (Hidden)

Clear the game without Dying.


Finally, The World Is Saved! (Hidden)

Clear the game on “From” Difficulty.



Encyclopaedia Completed!

Complete the Encyclopaedia.


Collected All Swords!

Obtain Every Sword.


Congratulations! Mr Spelunker (Hidden)

Clear the Spelunker Mode.




Congratulations! Thanks for playing up till here.


Ich freu mich schon so unglaublich auf das Game! Trophys sehen aber ziemlich hart aus!! Hoffe man kann überall speichern und auch mehrere Speicherstände anlegen, wär bestimmt hilfreich für die Endbosstrophäen!

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