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Empfohlene Beiträge

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Acrobat - Perform each trick (except Balance and Slide) 10 times in completed missions

Wind - Spend 1 hour in the air in completed missions

Perfect Balance - Spend 5 minutes balancing in completed missions

Superstar - Maintain the “S” rating for overall 10 minutes throughout the game

Money Bag - Earn gold medals in any 10 missions

Natural Born Tourist - Earn 12 souvenirs

Triumphant - Win all game missions

Astronaut - Collect 100 stars in a single Action Chain

Tough Rival - Increase score multiplier to 20 or more for both players in Split Screen simultaneously (you don’t have to score points)

Pathfinder - Ride 25 km without falling (in completed missions)




The King of Iron Wake Tournament - Win 10 times (gold medal + all additional goals) in a row in any different single player missions

Avid Collector - Earn all souvenirs in the game

Wave Catcher - Score points with multiplier that equals to 50 or higher



Versteckte Trophies






Food Chain Link - Become lunch for a hundred sharks (in completed missions).

Medical Insurance - Fall 500 times in completed missions.

Main Dish - Let a shark eat you when your score multiplier is 20 or higher.

Vandal - Break, overturn, and crash or sweep away 500 objects in completed missions.

Hardcore - Score twice as much points as required in any mission where the points are one of the goals.

Bearbeitet von Scheich

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