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Episode 1:




Is This Your Card? - Read the mind of everyone aboard General Skun-ka'pe's flagship.

Soothsayer - Saw a future vision for Sam in every possible environment.

To the Five Boroughs - Visited every location available in this case.

Crime-Tron - Used all of the correct combinations of clues in the Crime-Tron.

Pret-a-teleporter - Teleported to every available phone in the case.

Ask Your Parents - Heard 7 references no one under the age of 30 will understand.

Don't Ask Your Parents - Heard 10 double entendres.

Frequent Flier - Smacked Max out of the way in every environment.

Part of a Nutritious Breakfast - Used the Nutrition Specs to reveal a secret object.




We're on the Case! - Sent General Skun-ka'pe to the Penal Zone in Max's future vision.

The Brain Awakens - Brought the Alien Brain back to life.

Ape Escape - Tracked down General Skun-ka'pe.




The Penal Zone - Sent General Skun-ka'pe to the Penal Zone once and for all.



Episode 2: The Tomb of Summan Mak




Say Hit to the nice people, Charlie - Throw your voice to every available target

Curse the luck - Get zapped with fewer than six Mole Curses

Nine Lives of Sameth & Maximus - See Sameth and/or Maximus die at nine distinct points in the Game

Chrono Logic - Complete the four reels in sequential order

Doppel Fluch - Cause German train passengers to be saddled with two curses at the same time

Double-crossed - Cause your little buddy to lose both, his luck and his rabbithood at the same time

Secret Handshake - Fool a Yog Soggoth devotee into thinking you`re a member of the Brotherhood




Challenge of the Sphunx - Completed Moniseurs Papierwaites challenge

Looters of the Lost Toybox - Successfully raided The Tomb of Summan-Mak

Mystery on the Disorient Express - Foiled an onboard sneak-thief

Open Wide - Make it through the Mouth of the Sphunx the first time it opens




Horror Show - Stop a seriously sinister ceremony



Episode 3: They Stole Max`s Brain!




Drop a Dime - Teleport to every phone in the museum

Bad Cop/Sad Cop - Threaten and "Noir" everyone you meet on the street in Act 1

The Grand Tour - Explore the museum completely

Blimp's Eye View - Turn into the Hindenburg in every room and get a bird's eye view of the environment

Tweenage Angst - Have Sammunmak banish every possible object in Act 3




Rhinoplastastic - Turned into every possible object

Pound the Pavement - Tracked Max's brain-thieves to the Museum

Saboteur! - Foiled an evil alliance and recovered Max's brain

All Hail Sammun-Mak - Infiltrated the boy-king's inner circle




Reunited (And it Feels So Good) - Lobotomized the Pharaoh and got Max his brain



Episode 4: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls




Tell 'Em Penn Says Hi - Impressed friends with card trick.

Sawdust Laryngitis - Ventriloquized everyone available.

Greater Than Meers the Eye - Transformed into everything available.

Pod Pumper - Damaged a lot of Clone Pods.

Telltale Loves You - Experienced a lot of fan service.




Attack of the Identical Assailants! - Escaped the siege at Stinky's.

His Master's Voice - Discovered the shocking identity of the Clone Master.

Very Superspicious - Fully investigated the Clone Master suspects.

Dimensional Speed Dialer - Acquired the Cthonic Destroyer in 6 or fewer trips.

Peeping Brain - Read everyone's mind.




Psychic Stare-Down - Defeated the Clone Master and saved the world (again).



Episode 5: The City That Dares Not Sleep




The Unabridged Version - Listened to all of Max's audiobooks on vinyl in their entirety

For Insurance Purposes - Checked out every object in Max's inventory

Genius in its Simplicity - Heard all the details of Stinky's origin

All the Old Familiar Places - Collected all of Max's precious memory slides

Like Battery Acid and Pickle Juice - Heard at least five accounts of what nightmares taste like

Fire Retardant - Shot all of the Flaming Max spores

Quiet on the Set - Snuck into the frame of Satan's documentary at least twice



Maxtastic Voyage - Sent a rescue team into the body of Giant Max

Battery Park - Overcame the psychic powers to enter Max's brain

Just Ask For Directions Already - Found the location of the only thing that will save Max

Prepare for Surgery - Delivered the tool necessary to complete Max's brain surgery




The Happy Ending - Discovered a last-minute way to save Max

Bearbeitet von Scheich

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