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Serf - Clear arcade mode.

Squire - Clear arcade mode on the HARD difficulty setting.

Knight - Clear arcade mode on the VERY HARD difficulty setting.

Staying Power - Clear arcade mode with no continues.

The Rainbow - Unlock every character's hidden colors.

Art Student - Unlock 25% of the gallery.

Enthusiast - Unlock 50% of the gallery.

Aficionado - Unlock 75% of the gallery.

Curator - Unlock 100% of the gallery.

Plays Well With Others - Play a ranked match on PlayStation®Network.

Local Legend - Win 10 ranked matches on PlayStation®Network.

Success Story - Win 30 ranked matches on PlayStation®Network.

Didn't Even Break a Sweat - Defeat the End of Deathbringer in single-player arcade mode without Heating Up.

Not Creepy At All - Clear Ashley's main scenario in story mode.

Hooked Again - Clear Freed's main scenario in story mode

How Do You Like It? - Clear Coyori's main scenario in story mode.

Filicide - Clear Deathbringer's main scenario in story mode.

Risky Business - Clear Donvalve's main scenario in story mode.

Best Served Cold - Clear Face's main scenario in the story mode

Apples And Trees - Clear Urs's main scenario in the story mode

Pretty In Pink - Clear Olivia's main scenario in the story mode.

Big Stick Diplomacy - Clear Odile & Dokurod's main scenario in the story mode.

You May Feel A Little Prick - Clear Cedric's main scenario in the story mode.

Elementary - Clear Watson's main scenario in the story mode.

You Have Gained A Level! - Clear Marco's main scenario in the story mode.

William Wallace - 10 consecutive wins in survival mode.

Henry V - 20 consecutive wins in survival mode.

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet - Clear time attack mode within 10 minutes.

Faster Than Lightning - Clear time attack mode within 8 minutes.

Population Control - Outside of training mode, dish out a total of over 1,000,000 damage.

Shameless Flirt - In single-player arcade mode, seduce every character with Ashley's taunt.

Furricane - In single-player arcade mode, get 25+ hits with Coyori's Cat Storm.

AAAADRIAAANNNN!!! - Outside of training mode, win a match with only 1 HP left.

It's A Trap! - In single-player arcade mode, hit an opponent with Watson's level 3 Torabasa Minore.

Har-man-ica - In single-player arcade mode, see Face whip out his instrument while wearing hot pants.

Freed At Last! - Outside of training mode, have 2 Freeds in Heat Up mode do Magnum Jetter on each other simultaneously.

Apprentice - Play a player match on PlayStation®Network.

Acolyte - Win 10 player matches on PlayStation®Network.

Mage - Win 50 player matches on PlayStation®Network.

Warlock - Win 100 player matches on PlayStation®Network.

At The Same Time!? - Outside of training mode, get a Double KO.




International Ninja - Win 60 ranked matches on PlayStation®Network.

Leonidas - 30 consecutive wins in survival mode.

Faster Than Anything - Clear time attack mode within 6 minutes.

For Whom The Bell Tolls... - Outside of training mode, as Death Bringer, defeat an opponent with a single move.




You Want Me To WHAT? - 'In single-player arcade mode, on a difficulty higher than NORMAL, survive Deathbringer's Apocalypse Flame attack and win the round with full health.



Champion of Fantasia - Bestowed upon those who have been awarded with everything Battle Fantasia has to offer. Thanks for playing!

Versteckte Trophäen




Start Me Up! - Outside of training mode, use Urs's tauting to enter Heat Up mode.

Oh No You Didn't! - Outside of training mode, use Cedric's Nose Glasses.

Cruelty To Animals - In single-player arcade mode, finish off Watson with Donvalve's throw.

Be Gentle... - Finish off Olivia with Ashley's Steal Your Heart in single-player arcade mode.

The Hookening - Get a 20+ hit combo with Freed.

Maladie Des Griffes Du Chat - Get a 50+ hit combo with Coyori.

Final Countdown - In the single-player arcade mode, end a battle with Deathbringer's Final Strike.

Older Swinger Seeks Companion - In the single-player arcade mode, hit with Donvalve's strongest swing, the Don Don Swing.

The Touch - In the single-player arcade mode, finish Face off with Marco's throw.

Groovy - Get a 30+ hit combo with Urs.

Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore - In the single-player arcade mode, end a battle with Olivia's Shall We Dance?

With Our Powers Combined! - Get a 60+ hit combo with Odile and Dokurod.

Marxist - In single-player arcade mode, use Cedric's Nose Glasses against the End of Deathbringer.

Size Doesn't Matter - Get a 40+ hit combo with Watson.

Early Start - In single-player arcade mode, finish off a female opponent with Marco's throw.

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  • Beiträge

    • Für mich bis heute das mir Abstand hübscheste PS5 Spiel.
    • Was ich nur etwas schade finde, das man nur Trophäen bekommt, wenn man das Game gekauft hat. Dann hätte ich mir noch gewünscht, das in jeden Kapitel versteckte Gegenstände sind. Aber ist jetzt nicht der Weltuntergang, da das Game im Gesamtpaket einfach richtig stark ist für mich persönlich.
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