Scheich Geschrieben 25. Mai 2010 Geschrieben 25. Mai 2010 Bronze UNLOCK ARCADE STAGE SELECT MODE - Unlock ARCADE MODE Stage Select: Complete a single-player ARCADE game in 13 PLANE MODE. UNLOCK EXTRA STAGE SELECT MODE - Unlock EXTRA MODE Stage Select: Complete a single-player EXTRA game in 13 PLANE MODE. UNLOCK 13 PLANE MODE - Unlock 13 PLANE MODE: Complete a single player game in ARCADE MODE and EXTRA MODE. R-GRAY0 ROLLOUT - Unlock R-GRAY 0: Complete a single player game in ARCADE MODE. R-GEAR ROLLOUT - Unlock R-GEAR: Complete a single player game in EXTRA MODE. UNLOCK RATE VIEWER - Unlock Kill Ratio Display: Complete a single player game in either ARCADE MODE or EXTRA MODE of 13 PLANE MODE. UNLOCK UNLIMITED CREDIT - Unlock Unlimited Credits: Use a total of 50 credits in single player games. Silber OVERALL LOCKON AVERAGE 80% - 80% Lock-on Average: Complete single player game in any mode with an average lock-on percentage of 80% or more in every stage. OVERALL SHOOTINGDOWN AVERAGE 80% - 80% Kill Ratio Average: Complete single player game in any mode with an average kill ratio of 80% or more in every stage. LOCKON DOWN 10000 UNIT - 10,000 Total Lock-on Kills: Achieve 10,000 total lock-on kills in single player games. SHOOTINGDOWN 15000 UNIT - 15,000 Total Kills: Achieve 15,000 total kills in single player games. Gold NO CONTINUE CLEAR - No Continues Completion: Complete any mode besides 13 PLANE MODE without continuing in single player games
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