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Acquired 100,000 VP - Earned 100,000 Victory Points

Acquired 200,000 VP - Earned 200,000 Victory Points

Acquired 500,000 VP - Earned 500,000 Victory Points

Acquired 1,000,000 VP - Earned 1,000,000 Victory Points

I went to Okinawa - Cleared Okinawa Camp in Spirit Mode

I went to Hawaii - Cleared Hawaii Camp in Spirit Mode

I went to Kochi - Cleared Kochi Camp in Spirit Mode

Hometown - Cleared Hometown in Spirit Mode

An original player is born - Create an original player in Spirit Mode

King of Material - Completed shopping in Star Mode

Birth of a Rival - Play a game online

Celebrities - Win 100 games online

Way to Home Run King - Achieve your first Home Run in an online game

Challenge to the Home Run King - Achieve 10 Home Runs while playing online

The first step for players - Win your first game online

Stairway to the Player - Promoted for the first time online

And led the first step to - Won a game online in Coach Mode

Merchants - Sold a player in the Bazarr in Online Mode




Challenger's Arousal - The challenger awakes in Spirit Mode

King of Training - Star rating times 5 in player development in Spirit Mode

Popular - Fan gauge maxed in Star Mode

Fashion - Stylish gauge maxed in Star Mode

When people... - Topic gauge maxed in Star Mode

Fellow Member - Reliable gauge maxed in Star Mode

The rise - Earned 5000 fans in Star Mode

King of Prizes - Earned 1 million yen in Star Mode

Led to the stairs - Promoted to Director in Online Mode

Good Training - Awakened a player'spotential




Stardom - Earn a one billion yen annual salary

Superstar - Star gauge maxed in Star Mode

MVP - Performance gauge maxed in Star Mode

Rookie - Earned "Rookie of the Year" in Star Mode

Winning Season - Win the Japan Championship without skipping a game in Season Mode




Spirit Master - Won all the trophies

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