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Empfohlene Beiträge




Warrior's Sword Point - 300 people have been sliced down.

Big Victory - Obtain over 10,000 experience points during one battle.

Combo Profusion - Achieve a combo of over 100.

Rough Warrior - Win in survival mode.




Godspeed Honourable Solider - Clear a scenario in under 1 minute.

Paper Snow Storm - Unlock over 200 wall papers.

Mighty Warrior - 1000 people have been sliced down.

Decorate Hero - Get 30 consecutive victories in survival mode.

Birth Of A Devil - Clear Orochi's story mode.

Japan's Strongest Warrior - Clear Shu's story mode.

Fierce Tiger's Counterattack - Clear Wu's story mode.

Triumphal Return Of The Cactus - Clear Wei's story mode.

Bond Of Virtue - Clear Shu's story mode.




Colourful Dance - Unlock over 400 wall papers.

Dandy's Troubled Times - Be able to use all of the costums.

Collector's Strange World - Obtain all of the commander's fourth weapon.

Pinnacle Of Martial Arts - Obtain all of the special skills.

Searcher Of Jewelry - Obtain all of the raw materials.

Fighter's Fortitude - Get 50 consecutive victories in survival mode.

Past And Present Musou Warrior - Clear all scenario on extreme hard difficulty.

Height Of Trinity - All of the military commander are playable




Truly Musou - Obtain all of the trophies

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