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"Well, It's Something to Do..." - [Arcade / Score Attack] Hold your own against Unlimited Hazama.

"Tall, Dark, and Handsome" - [Arcade / Score Attack] Put Unlimited Ragna in his place

"Blood on Your Hands" - [score Attack] Defeat Unlimited Rachel.

"Level One...!" - [story] Watch "Previously on..." and "Opening" in Story Mode.

"That's the End of That Chapter" - [story] View any character's canon ending in Story Mode.

"Ragna Cum Laude" - [Tutorial] Finish all your homework.

"Napoleon Bonaparte" - [Legion] Conquer the map on "Easy."

"Alexander the Great" - [Legion] Conquer the map on "Normal."

"I'm on Top of the World!" - [Player Match] Earn your first victory.

"I Can Quit Any Time I Want!" - [Player Match] Win more than 100 matches.

"Aniki Is Watching You" - [Player Match] Observe more than 10 matches.

"Two Men Enter. One Man Leaves." - [Ranked Match] Earn your first victory.

"I Get Around" - Use every single character.

"They Call Me MISTER Tiddles!" - Use an Astral heat for the very first time.

"Real Ultimate Power" - Used every character's Astral Heat.

"It'll Only Hurt for a Minute" - Your first Guard Crush.

"Don't Touch the Merchandise" - Instant Block more than 20 times in one round.

"Hold On Loosely" - Cause more than 30 Throw Reject Misses.

"M.C. Hammer" - Escape more than 5 throws in one round.

"You Broke My Heart!" - Finish an opponent immediately after a normal Break Burst.

"Fatality" - Land more than 30 Fatal Counters.

"The Better Part of Valor" - Do not take damage for 20 seconds while in Negative State, and win the round.

"Well, It's Not!" - Using Ragna, land "Not Over Yet" more than three times during a match.

"Ice-Ten" - Using Jin, freeze your opponent more than 10 times during a match.

"Are You There God? It's Me, Noel" - Using Noel, hit the opponent with her "Silencer" more than 10 times during a match.

"Twirling toward Freedom" - Using Rachel, land a "6C" attack more than 30 times during a match.

"1.21 Gigawatts!" - Using Tager, land "Spark Bolt" more than five times during a match

"Taut Taunts" - Using Taokaka, land 5 taunts over the course of a match.

"Four Sheets to the Wind" - Using Litchi, land "Four Winds" more than 4 times during the course of a match.

"BEES!" - Using Arakune, unleash a 70-hit combo.

"Loincloth Festival" - Using Bang, land a total of 3 Astral Heats.

"The Clap" - Using Carl, keep an opponent airborne for more than 7 seconds.

"You're Already Dead" - Using Hakumen, dish out over 10,000 damage in one combo.

"Lamb to the Slaughter" - Using Lambda, land a 50-hit combo.

"For Great Justice" - Using Tsubaki, use the "D" version of every single special attack in a combo.

"Beachball!" - Using Hazama, keep an opponent airborne for more than 7 seconds.

"Murakumo, AWAKEN!" - Select Mu.





"Superior State of Mind" - [Challenge] Beat more than 100 challenges.

"Genghis Khan" - [Legion] Conquer the map on "Hard."

"Only the Hard, Only the Strong" - [Ranked Match] Fight more than 100 battles.




"Mint Condition" - [Gallery] Collect all of the...collectibles.




Platin - Platin-Trophy


Geheime Trophäen


Hell Yes - [Arcade] Completed Arcade Mode on "Hell" difficulty setting.

Score! - [score Attack] Beat Score Attack mode.

Is...Is That All? - [story] Unlocked the True Ending in Story mode.

All Good Things - [story] Finished the True Ending in Story mode.

I Can Do This All Night - [Training] Practiced for over one hour straight.

There Can Be Only One - [Network] Fought against every character.

Rear Window - [Replay Theater] Watched replays of more than 20 different matches.

Ding! - [Network] Reached D-code level 25.

Ding Ding! - [Network] Reached D-code level 50.



Makoto DLC




Fur and Loathing In Kagutsuchi - Dealt over 5,000 damage in a single combo using this character.

I Gnu It Was Ewe - Beat over 7 missions in challenge mode using this character.

Oh Nuts - Used the Unlimited version of this character.

Valkenhayn DLC



Three Wolf Moon - Used the Unlimited version of this character.

On Her Ladyship's Secret Service - Beat over 7 missions in challenge mode using this character.

Battle Butler - Dealt over 5,000 damage in a single combo with this character.



Platinum the Trinity DLC


Versteckte Trophäen




With Our Powers Combined! - Used the Unlimited version of Platinum.

By the Power of Trinity... - Beat over 7 missions in Challenge mode using Platinum.

For Whom the Bell Tolls - Dealt over 5,000 damage in a single combo using Platinum

Bearbeitet von Scheich

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  • Beiträge

    • Musste leider auch feststellen, dass ich nicht mehr zur Zielgruppe von Nintendo gehöre. Hab mir die Switch damals für Mario Oddyssey und Links Awakening geholt, danach kam aber nie wieder etwas von Interesse für mich. Mit Pokemon und Animal Crossing hab ich nichts am Hut und all die Indie-Spiele geniesse ich lieber in best möglicher Performance auf der PS5, da selbst die kleineren Titel mittlerweile Ruckeln auf der Switch. Da ich bereits die WiiU hatte, waren für mich Zelda BotW, Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong Country sowie einige andere bereits auch kein Thema mehr. Für mich persönlich war die Switch ne echte Enttäuschung, auch wenn ich die Idee hinter dem Konzept klasse fand. Die allgemeine Umsetzung und Qualität der Hardware war hingegen überschaubar. Mal sehen was Nintendo mit der Switch 2 bieten wird?!
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