Scheich Geschrieben 27. September 2010 Geschrieben 27. September 2010 Bronze Amplified Warrior - Equip a Mark III battle skill in the single player campaign. Antarctica - Complete 'Promise'. Around the World - Win a multiplayer match on every level. Diversity Rocks - Win a multiplayer match of all 4 types. Fort Monus - Complete 'Fort Monus'. Gritty Competitor - Play 10 multiplayer matches. Infinity Plus One - Clear the landing zone while firing from the gunship at Fort Monus. Looking Well - Find 15 hidden emblems. Percival - Complete 'Apollo's Chariot'. Petals of Edelweiss - Defeat a player who has the Petals of Edelweiss in multiplayer. The Canyon - Complete 'Call of the Chariots'. The Show - Complete 'Long Island Research Facility'. Wicked Shot - Break all body parts on a single opponent in the single player campaign. Silber Babel - Complete 'Tower of Babel'. Constantine - Complete 'Defense of Constantine'. Destruction - Complete 'Chorus of Destruction'. E.D.G.E. Master - Kill 50 enemies while in E.D.G.E. mode. Lead by Example - Get the top score in Team Deathmatch. No Borders - Complete 'No Borders'. Team Player - Accumulate a total score of 10,000 while playing Domination and Supremacy. Ultimate Zephyr - Purchase all 4 of the Zephyr EX parts in the single player campaign. Gold Easy Logistics - Earn $75,000 total cash in the single player campaign. Great Shot - Destroy all Sensors in the game. Looking Great - Find all 42 hidden emblems. My Hero Zero - Reach Rank 70 in multiplayer. Power of Device - Complete the game. Power of Human Ingenuity - Complete the game on hard difficulty. Platin Wanzer Commander - Collect all other Front Mission Evolved trophies.
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