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Empfohlene Beiträge

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



Ace of Spades - Ace 10 different Story levels in a row

Prize Collector - Collect 50% of Story prize bubbles

10 Story Versus Wins - Win 10 Story mode Versus games against at least one other player

Multiplier 5x - Score a 5x multiplier in a Story level

Multiplier 10x - Score a 10x multiplier in a Story level

Scoreboard 50% - Place in the top 50% of players in the online scoreboard for a level

Monster Masher - Kill 20 monsters in Story levels

Mortal Coil Shuffler Extraordinaire - Accumulate 20 deaths in one Story level

Dive In 25 - Dive in and play 25 random levels with other players, and don't immediately leave!

Play 25 Community Levels - Play 25 unique cooperative community levels

Actually Quite Good - Place in the top 25% of players in 5 community level scoreboards (with at least 20 other players in them)

Play 5 Versus Levels - Play 5 unique community Versus levels

25 Online Versus Wins - Win 25 Versus mode community levels against at least 1 other player

Who Needs Breakfast? - Play LittleBigPlanet 2 before 9am

Just... One... More... Go... - Play LittleBigPlanet 2 after 9pm

Grapple Hooked - Create a chain of 4 players grappling each other

Turbo Slapper - Slap more than one player at once

Snapy Dresser - Change your costume

10 Minutes of Create - Spend 10 active minutes in Create mode

Community Spirit - Publish a level to the community

50 Unqiue Players - A level you published was played by 50 unqiue players

Long Term Publisher - A level you published has been published for 7 days

A Series of Tubes - Use a Level Link to link two of your published levels together

Custom Badger - Create a custom badge for your level from a PlayStation Eye photo or an in-game photo

Step into my Arena - Publish a Versus mode level

Teacher's Pet - You watched all the tutorials! Take a gold star, go to the top of the class.

40 Yays or Boos - Give 40 positive or negative votes on community levels

Journalistical - Write a review

Paparazzo - Upload a photo

The Votarator - Rate 5 brand new community levels (less than 10 plays)

A Dip In The Stream - Play a level from your Recent Activity




Complete Story Mode - Complete the main path of the story mode

Scoreboard 25% - Place in the top 25% of players in the online scoreboard for a level

Play 75 Community Levels - Play 75 unique cooperative community levels

U Know U A Playa - Spend 5 hours playing community levels

A Game A Day Keeps The Doctor Away - Play LittleBigPlanet 2 on every day of the week

Highly Rated - A level you published was positively rated by 50 unique players

Uber Prize Collector - Collect 100% of Story prize bubbles




Ace Story Mode - Ace every level in the story mode

1440 Minutes of Create - Spend 24 active hours in Create mode

160 Yays or Boos Give - 160 positive or negative votes on community levels




100% Complete - Earn all LittleBigPlanet 2 trophies to unlock this platinum






Move DLC:




Accomplished Mover - Complete 25 community levels that require the Motion Controller.

Diploma In Creation - Complete all the tutorials in the LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack.

Locksmith - Unlock all the LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack Minigames.

Feel The Earth Move - Publish a Motion Controller enabled level to the Earth.

Stick It To The Man - Destroy the boss in Just Desserts.

On The Ball - Complete The Tail Of Claude The Field Mouse without dropping a ball.

On A Roll - Complete Fast Food without losing a ball.

Self Portrait - Use a painting as your avatar.

Path To Success - Use the Motion Recorder to record your movements.




Avid Collector - Collect 100% of the LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack prize bubbles.

Ace In The Pack - Ace all the Story levels in the LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack.


Versteckte Trophäen




Complete Avalonia - Complete the main path of Avalonia

Complete Da Vinci's Hideout - Complete the main path of Da Vinci's hideout

Complete Eve's Asylum For The Mentally Alternative - Complete the main path of Eve's Asylum For The Mentally Alternative

Complete The Factory Of A Better Tomorrow - Complete the main path of The Factory Of A Better Tomorrow

Complete Victoria's Lab - Complete the main path of Victoria's Lab






The Muppets Premium Level Pack DLC




Big Top! - Achieve a score of 2500 or higher in 'Gonzo's Endless Cannon Run Ride!'

Captain Pig-ard - Achieve a score of 4000 or higher in 'Pigs In Elevators (In Space)!'

Dancing On The Ceiling - Travel 17.5 metres on the walls and ceilings

Muppet Mastery - Complete The Muppet pack's story

Stick Together - Play 5 community levels containing Attract-O-Gel




Beakers We Can - Complete 'Muppet Labs!' using no more than 40 Beakers




Standing Ovation! - Ace all 5 Muppet Story levels

Bearbeitet von basslerNNP

Sieht mal ganz gut aus, zumindest das, was ich übersetzen kann.


1440 Minutes of Create - Spend 24 active hours in Create mode


Ja hau mir ab, was soll denn der scheiss?


Ich weis gar nicht, was du hast. Das könnten meinetwegen auch 100 Stunden sein. Ich hänge pro Tag mehrere Stunden im Editor rum.


Ps: hast du die zufällig noch auf Deutsch?



Ace of Spades - Ass 10 Storylevels hintereinander ? oO

Prize Collector - Sammle 50% aller Preisblasen

10 Story Versus Wins - Gewinne 10 Story-Mode Versusspiele gegen min. einen Spieler

Multiplier 5x - Erreiche einen 5x Multiplikator in einem Storylevel

Multiplier 10x - Erreiche einen 10x Multiplikator in einem Storylevel

Scoreboard 50% - Erreiche eine Platzierung unter den besten 50% aller Spieler in einem level

Monster Masher - Toete 20 Monster in Storyleveln

Mortal Coil Shuffler Extraordinaire - Stirb 20x in einem Story Level

Dive In 25 - Spiele 25 Zufallslevel mit anderen Spielern ohne sofort zu leaven.

Play 25 Community Levels - Spiele 25 unterschiedliche Communitylevel

Actually Quite Good - Erreiche eine Platzierung unter den besten 25% in 5 Communityleveln mit mindestens 20 Spielern drin

Play 5 Versus Levels - Spiele 5 unterschiedliche Versus-level

25 Online Versus Wins - Gewinne 25 Versusspiele gegen min. einen Spieler

Who Needs Breakfast? - Spiele LBP2 vor 9 Uhr morgens

Just... One... More... Go... - Spiele LBP2 nach 9 Uhr Abends

Grapple Hooked - Erstelle eine Kette mit 4 sich mit dem Grapplehook aneinander festhaltenden Spielern

Turbo Slapper - Klatsche mehr als einen Spieler gleichzeitig

Snapy Dresser - Wechsle dein Kostuem

10 Minutes of Create - Verbring 10 aktive Minuten im Create-Mode

Community Spirit - Veroeffentliche ein level

50 Unqiue Players - Eins deiner veroeffentlichten level wurde von 50 verschiedenen Spielern gespielt

Long Term Publisher -Eins deiner Level war 7 Tage lange veroeffentlicht

A Series of Tubes - Benutze einen level-link um 2 deiner veroeffentlichten Level zu verbinden

Custom Badger - Erstelle ein Abzeichen mit einer Ingameaufnahme oder einer PlayStation Eye-aufnahme.

Step into my Arena - Veroeffentliche ein Versus-mode level

Teacher's Pet - Guck dir alle Tutorials an

40 Yays or Boos - Gebe 40 Negative oder positive Stimmen zu communityleveln ab

Journalistical - Schreibe ein Review

Paparazzo - Lade ein Foto hoch

The Votarator - Bewerte 5 Brandneue Communitylevel (weniger als 10 Spieler)

A Dip In The Stream - Spiele ein Level von deinen letzten Aktivitaeten (was auc immer das heissen soll)




Complete Story Mode - Schliesse die Story ab

Scoreboard 25% - Erreiche eine Platzierung unter den besten 25% in einem level

Play 75 Community Levels - Spiele 75 unterschiedliche Communitylevel

U Know U A Playa - Spiele fuer 5 Stunden Communitylevel

A Game A Day Keeps The Doctor Away - Spiele LBP2 an jedem Tag der Woche

Highly Rated - Eine von dir veroeffentlichtes Level wurde von 50 unterschiedlichen Spielern positiv bewertet

Uber Prize Collector - Sammle 100% der Preisblasen in der Story




Ace Story Mode - Ass alle Level im Story Mode (wahrsch. ohne zu sterben durchkommen !?)

1440 Minutes of Create - Verbringe 24 aktive Stunden im Create-mode)

160 Yays or Boos Gebe 160 positive oder negative Bewertungen ab




100% Complete - Sammle alle LBP2 Trophaen.






Ja ich hab langeweile. :keks2: Auf Rechtschreibung hab ich nicht geachtet, sollte aber alles richtig sein.:)

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