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Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner




The Perfect Teen Girl Squad - Earn 5000 points or more in Teen Girl Squad.

Snake Whisperer - Unlocked Snake Boxer 5's Cobra mode.

F.C.U.T.R.E.R. Best Time - Obtained a really good time on the Free Country USA Triannual Race to the End of the Race.

These Trophies Aren't Obscure Any More! - Earned all obscure trophies.

Cover to Cover - Collect all pages of the Snake Boxer 5 manual.

Card Collector - Collected all Teen Girl Squad cards.

Prank Call King - Called everyone in Strongbadia.

Sharp Dressed Man - Obtained all costumes.

Start Act 3 - Homestar moves out of the house of Strong.

The Biggest Loser - Help Strong Bad lose the race for Homestar.

'Started' Act 1 - User draws the track on the map




Trogdor Polo Chucker - There is no higher rank to describe your awesomeness!

Snakes Cower Before Me! - Faced and defeated 15 levels of snakes in Snake Boxer 5.




Completed Game - Completed the game itself.



Episode 2: Strong Badia the Fee




Homestarmy: Medal of Honorable Mention - Finished the Homestarmy game in 10 rounds or fewer.

The Perfect Evolution of Cave Girl Squad - Get the highest possible score in Cave Girl Squad.

The Secret Scrolls - Collected all papyrus Cave Girl Squad scrolls.

Algebros Master - Get at least 2000 points in Algebros.

Learning is Fun! - Collected all pages of the Algebros manual.

I'm A Stylin' Machine! - Collected all available costumes.

I Can Start My Own United Nations! - Collected all the souvenir flags of the world.

A Sad of Many Names - Have Strong Bad call Strong Sad by all his sad names.

Attention!!! - Make all members of the Homestarmy stand at attention.

Burninating the Countryside - Set all possible things on fire.

It's Good to be the King - Do the unthinkable: Make Strong Bad the King of Free Country, USA.

The People's Republic of Marzistar - Enter the People's Republic of Marzistar.

Long Burn the King! - Help create an effigy of the King of Town and spark a rebellion.




Lord High Fantasticus - Achieve the highest possible Awesomeness level.




It's Not So Good to be the King - Return all of Free Country, USA back to normal.



Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands




Manual of Style - Collect all pages to the 'Limozeen: Hot Babelian Odyssey' manual.

ROCK ON! - Collect each band poster.

Limozeen on My Shelf! - Collect all Limozeen Mini-Glasses.

I Pilot the Limozeen Bus - Achieve a high score in 'Limozeen: Hot Babelian Odyssey'

Expressions of Affection - Hear all the ways the residents of Free County, USA love what they love.

Homestar Runner: The Musical - Witness all musical moments from the case of Homestar Runner.

There is No Safe Word - Find all possible ways to abuse Strong Bad.

Truly, Truly Outrageous - Collect all costume items.

The Hidden Tracks - Find all 12 collectibles.

It's A Sabotage! - Successfully sabotage all the other bands.

Strong Bad's Got Talent - Receive filled out entry forms for the Battle of the Bands.

We're Going to Put On a Show! - Get celebrity judges and security for the Battle of the Bands.

The High Cost of Repairs - Discover a way to fund repairs to the Game Machine.




Impossibly Rocked Out - Achieve the highest possible Awesomeness level.




D.O.I. Rocks the House! - Perform the best rock show with D.O,I.



Episode 4: Dangeresque 3 - The Criminal Projective




I Got a Bullet With Your Name On It - Obtain all bullets with names on them.

Merchandising! Merchandising! Merchandising! - Obtain all pieces of Dangeresque 3 Merchandise.

How to Join the Circus - Collect all pages to the 'Space Circus Catastrophe!' manual.

Space Circus Ringleader - Obtain a high score of 900 points in 'Space Circus Catastrophe!'.

Continuity Errors - Find all bad takes in 'Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective'.

I Know People - Give not-so-subtle hints to who you know (of).

I Reach for My Nunchuk... - Nunchuk all possible characters.

Look the Part - Find all costume pieces.

No Stone Unturned - Find all 12 collectibles.

Requisitionist for Hire - Recover the Rocket Parts for the scientist.

The Man with the Plan - Obtain the plans and access to Uzi Bazooka's Hideout.

Recover the Serum - Obtain the serum to save the Rainforest.

A Dame in Shoes - Get hired by renowned Rainforest conservationalist Sweetsey Buttons.




Codename: Awesome! - Achieve the highest possible Awesomeness level.




Stick it to the Man! - Find out who the real villain is and stop him!



Episode 5: 8-Bit is Enough




I'm A Good Graphicketeer! - Collect all Videlectrix Good Graphicketeers Cards.

Collect All Our Playsets and Toys! - Collect all Cheat Commando Traction figures.

They Loose Value if Opened - Collect all classic Videlectrix game boxes.

Burninating the Peasants - Burninate all of the Peasants.

...Has Joined Your Party! - Acquire all members for your party.

The Ghosts of Our Forefathers - Free all four colonial ghosts.

Cosplay Master - Find all costume pieces.

Collectible Achievement Monger - Find all 12 collectibles.

I Have the Power! - Obtain the Trogsword.

The Peasants; They Love me! - Get the Peasants to join your party.

The Mainframe - Find your way into the Mainframe.

The Ruins of Burnination - Blur the lines of the 8-Bit world and Free Country, USA.




SBCG4AO MMORPG!! - Achieve the highest possible Awesomeness level.




Dragon-Man Slayer! - Defeat Trogdor.

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