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Empfohlene Beiträge




Synthesis Newbie - Performed 10 new synthesis sessions.

The Mixer - Performed 30 new synthesis sessions.

The Alchemist - Performed 60 new synthesis sessions.

Phase 1 Beater - Beat phase 1.

Phase 2 Beater - Beat phase 2.

Saki Normal Ending - Saw Saki's normal ending.

Finnel Normal Ending - Saw Finnel's normal ending.

Saki's Friend - Unlocked 30% of Saki's CS.

Saki's Boyfriend? - Unlocked 60% of Saki's CS.

Saki's Groom - Unlocked 100% of Saki's CS.

Finnel's Buddy - Unlocked 30% of Finnel's CS.

Finnel's Hubby? - Unlocked 60% of Finnel's CS.

Finnel's True Master - Unlocked 100% of Finnel's CS

The Aggressive Guy - Gained a victory in 100 battles!

The Bellicose Man - Gained a victory in 200 battles!

The Fighting Machine - Gained a victory in 300 battles!

Our Valued Customer - Played this game for 100 hours.

The Master of Unlocking - Dug through all treasure chests.

Free of the Rat Race - Money hit the maximum value.

Mrs. Reyvinson - Someone's DP hit the maximum.




Saki True Ending - Saw Saki's happy ending.

Finnel True Ending - Saw Finnel's happy ending.




Finale of Ar Ciel - All trophies unlocked.



Versteckte Trophäen




Tyria Normal Ending - Saw Tyria's normal ending.

Bad Ending - Faced Saki's and Finnel's demise.

Tyria's Fellow - Unlocked 30% of Tyria's CS.

Tyria's Beau - Unlocked 60% of Tyria's CS.

Tyria's Darling - Unlocked 100% of Tyria's CS.

The Peon - Fled 100 times.

The Ravager - Encounter Bar depleted 25 times.

Save Obsession Syndrome - Saved 100 times.

Saki Romantic Scene 1 - Unlocked the event.

Good Mood With Finnel 1 - Unlocked the event.

Saki Romantic Scene 2 - Unlocked the event.

Good Mood With Finnel 2 - Unlocked the event.

Uninstalling With Soma - Unlocked the event.

Lovey Dovey With Tyria - Unlocked the event.

Sarapatra's Wedding - Unlocked the event.

Hot Springs Encounter - Unlocked the event.

Reunion With Pupils - Unlocked the event.

Saki Will Do It! - Unlocked the event.

Onstage - Unlocked the event.

Lost Heart - Unlocked the event.

A Daughter Is Born!? - Unlocked the event.

Big Sis Sakia - Unlocked the event.

Yurisica's Approach - Unlocked the event.

Chain And Finnel - Unlocked the event.

Soma VS Soma - Unlocked the event.

Wailing - Unlocked the event.

Sing Out The Genesis! - Unlocked the event.

The Trut - Unlocked the event.

Rendezvous - Unlocked the event.

Tyria's Fears - Unlocked the event.




Tyria True Ending - Saw Tyria's happy ending.

Cocona Ending - Saw Cocona's ending.

"Nothing, Ma!" - Hit the Panic Button 100 times.

Super Guru - Every character reached Level 99.

Return to Innocence - Took off 3 pieces of clothes at once.




Purge Carnival - Heroines Purged 3 times, and Vanguards stripped.

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