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Always Thinking - The Strategist appeared in Legend Mode.

Anarchist - Acquired first Secret Weapon at Chaos difficulty level.

Arena - Played Arena in Challenge Mode.

Army of One - Defeated 1000 enemies in one Legend Mode battle.

Beloved Ruler - Town atmosphere became Friendly in Legend Mode.

Black Belt - Executed a combo involving Normal, Strong, EX, and Musou 1 Attacks and a Weapon Switch.

Breaker of Bedlam - Acquired half of all Secret Weapons at Chaos difficulty level.

Bridge Melee - Played Bridge Melee in Challenge Mode.

Champion - Attained first place in the rankings for Rampage in Challenge Mode.

Classicist - Cleared all Classic stages in Legend Mode.

Connoisseur - Viewed all events available in Legend Mode.

Decorated Officer - Awarded first Title.

First Past the Post - Attained first place in the rankings for Speed Run in Challenge Mode.

Gladiator - Attained first place in the rankings for Arena in Challenge Mode.

Hit with the Ladies - Heard all female characters' devotion lines in Legend Mode.

Home Decorator - Obtained wallpapers 1 and 2 for Pang De, Wang Yi and Guo Jia.

Into Chaos - Cleared a Legend Mode scenario at the Chaos difficulty level.

It's Raining Men - Heard all male characters' devotion lines in Legend Mode.

King of Jin - Sima Zhao awarded top Title.

King of Shu - Liu Bei and Liu Shan awarded top Title.

King of the Hill - Attained first place in the rankings for Bridge Melee in Challenge Mode.

King of Wei - Cao Cao and Cao Pi awarded top Title.

King of Wu - Sun Jian, Sun Ce and Sun Quan awarded top Title.

Legendary Hero - Cleared all Legendary Hero stages in Legend Mode.

Martial Artist - Achieved 5 consecutive growth item power-ups by executing combos.

Master Trader - Obtained all trade goods in Legend Mode.

Millionaire - Obtained a total of more than 1 million gold over the course of the game.

Outcast Hero - All officers in Other category awarded top Title.

Perfection - Maxed out the growth parameters of a single character.

Rampage - Played Rampage in Challenge Mode.

Rising Dragon - Awarded high-ranking Title for one character.

Savvy Politician - The Counselor began work in Legend Mode.

Siege Weapon Master - Defeated 1000 enemies using a siege weapon.

Sleepwalker - Acquired first Secret Weapon at Nightmare difficulty level.

Speed Run - Played Speed Run in Challenge Mode.

Survivor - Acquired half of all Secret Weapons at Nightmare difficulty level.

The Nightmare Begins - Cleared a Legend Mode scenario at the Nightmare difficulty level.

Trader - The Merchant began trading in Legend Mode.

Unrivaled Warrior - Defeated 3000 enemies in one Legend Mode battle.

Up for a Challenge - Visited the castle town for the first time in Legend Mode.

War Hero - Awarded top Title for one character.




Battle-hardened Veteran - Cleared stages over 1000 times.

Best of the Best - Attained first place in the rankings for all Challenge Mode courses.

Imperial Protector - Welcomed the Emperor to the castle in Legend Mode.

Legendary Warrior - Acquired all Secret Weapons at Nightmare difficulty level.

Master of Chaos - Acquired all Secret Weapons at Chaos difficulty level.

Worshipped by All - Heard all characters' devotion lines in Legend Mode.




Lord of the Three Kingdoms - All characters awarded top Title.

Weapons Master - Acquired all weapons available in Legend Mode.




True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms - Obtained all trophies.

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  • Beiträge

    • Weiterhin vielen dank für eure vielfältigen antworten
    • Viel Spaß. Habe es durchgespielt und hatte auch meine Spaß allgemein. Kommt aber irgendwie nicht am ersten Teil ran, da sich die Strecken zu oft wiederholen hier. Wurde dann auf Dauer zu langweilig.
    • Funktioniert alles nicht  Die Strategie die der im Video macht erkenne ich bei mir gar nicht.. Der schmeißt sein Stab der dreht sich um den Stab der fliegt hinter mir und schlägt mich..  Das Verhalten aus dem Video macht diese Gegner bei mir nicht
    • Streaming, außer bei Filmen, bei denen es ganz speziell auf das audiophile ankommt. Beispielsweise Konzerte oder Filme wie The Greatest Showman oder Burlesque kommen nur als 4K Blu-ray in Frage. Streaming komprimiert und verfälscht dann Bild und Ton. Bei normalen Spielfilmen etc. ist mir das herzlich egal, aber wenn ich schon eine zig tausende Euro teure Anlage mit riesem OLED und Bassshaker zu Hause habe, dann mache ich nicht beim Medium Abstriche und gebe dann halt eben die 25 Euro aus.
    • Serien per Stream. Ansonsten Blu Ray oder auch DVD, welche es nicht auf Blu Ray gibt. Gerade bei 18er Filme muss man glück haben, das man eine Uncut per Stream zu sehen bekommt. Egal bei welchem Anbieter. Für so ein Sch... bezahle ich nichts. Musik ausschließlich per CD, welche ich dann in MP3 umwandle oder bei Amazon wo man die MP3 oftmals dazu bekommt
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