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Empfohlene Beiträge




Medal of Honor - Win a public match as the Party Leader of a Party in Multiplayer.

Squad Commander - Enter a public match as the Party Leader of a 4-Player Minimum Party in Multiplayer.

Drone Expert - Complete an expert challenge for any drone in Multiplayer.

Weapon Expert - Complete an expert challenge for any weapon in Multiplayer.

Safer Skies - Destroy all the SAM trucks in the level in Chapter 6: Overwatch.

Speed Demon - Hijack the tankers in less than 8 minutes in one life in Chapter 6: Overwatch.

Stairway to Heaven - From the front door of the church, make it to the crow’s nest in 240 seconds in Chapter 5: Heartland.

Chronicler - Find the first of 61 news pickups.

David Rejected - Complete the street section without Goliath taking any damage in Chapter 4: The Wall.

Let 'em Burn - Don't kill any of the enemies that are on fire in Chapter 3: Fire Sale.

Mercy - Kill 5 enemies while they are on fire in Chapter 3: Fire Sale.

Good Use of Cover - Destroy the first sentry without taking any damage in Chapter 2: Freedom.

Bronze Welcome to Freedom - Talk at least once to each inhabitant of Oasis in Chapter 2: Freedom.

Give Him the Stick - Kill 25 enemies with melee attacks in Chapter 1: Why We Fight.

Pistol Whipped - Kill 25 enemies with a pistol in Chapter 1: Why We Fight.

Archivist - Find 30 of 61 News Pickups in the Single Player Campaign.

Iron Man – Heartland - Complete chapter 5 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Iron Man - The Wall - Complete chapter 4 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Iron Man - Fire Sale - Complete chapter 3 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Iron Man – Freedom - Complete chapter 2 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Iron Man - Why We Fight - Complete chapter 1 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Heartland – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 5 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.

The Wall – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 4 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.

Fire Sale – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 3 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.

Freedom – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 2 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.

Why We Fight – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 1 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.

Overwatch - Complete chapter 6 in the Single Player Campaign.

Heartland - Complete chapter 5 in the Single Player Campaign.

The Wall - Complete chapter 4 in the Single Player Campaign.

Fire Sale - Complete chapter 3 in the Single Player Campaign.

Freedom - Complete chapter 2 in the Single Player Campaign.

Why We Fight - Complete chapter 1 in the Single Player Campaign.




3-Star Threat - Become a 3-Star threat in a Battle Commander public match.

Full Boat - Enter a public match in a Party with 16 players in Multiplayer.

Over the Hill - Reach experience level 50 in Multiplayer.

Iron Man – Overwatch - Complete chapter 6 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.

Overwatch – Guerrilla - Complete chapter 6 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.




5-Star Threat - Become a 5-Star threat in a Battle Commander public match.

Expert Of War - Complete all challenges for weapons, drones, vehicles, and modes in Multiplayer.

Historian - Find all 61 News Pickups in the Single Player Campaign.



Platinum Trophy - Complete all other trophies for Homefront.




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  • Beiträge

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