Scheich Geschrieben 7. April 2011 Geschrieben 7. April 2011 Bronze Welcome to the Faction - Gain Your First Rank Helping Hands - Complete Your First Local Multiplayer Game Taste of Victory - Win an Online Game The Black Hole - Kill All Other Players With The Singularity Bomb in a 4 Player Online Game Total Carnage - Kill 5 Opponents in a Row Without Dying in an Online Multiplayer Game Scrap Metal - Get a Quad Kill in the Training Missions The Running Man - Earn a Gold Star in a Survival Training Mission Without Using Any Weapons Silber The Skills to Pay the Bills - Unlock All of the Training Missions Bling - Gain a Gold Badge in 5 Player Awards Take That, Winters! - Gain a Gold Star in All Training Missions Going Up in the World - Get To Rank 10 Gold Faction Leader - Get To Rank 20 Armageddon DLC: Bronze A Taste of Armageddon - Earn at least a Bronze Star in all the Armageddon Pack Training Missions Rampage - Destroy 35 Enemies in the Frostbite Training Mission Origins DLC: Bronze A Taste of Origins - Earn at least a Bronze Star in all the Origins Pack Training Missions Tormentor - In Race Mode, Kill a Player 3 Times When They're on Their Last Lap
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