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Empfohlene Beiträge




'Checking Out' - Overcame your fear of Scoggin' hidden people and stay on the case

'The Cold Will Creep Right Up On Ya' - Talked to Scruffman after seeing the unseeable outside of the diner

'Yeah, I'm into some stuff' - Helped Steve with his shipping problems

Crossword Double Cross - Thwarted Sheriff Bahg

Hot Dish - Check into Valda's Inn

Hvor er Olav Welhavven? - Took a transdimensional space voyage

Your Tax Dollars at Work - Submitted a successful puzzle answer on the first try while in the field




Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity and Madness - Completed the case and saw into the maw of madness

Kicked the Habit - Completed the case without chewing a piece of gum

The Professional - Closed the case with the rank of 'Puzzle Agent'

Thorough Investigation - Complete every puzzle in Scoggins




Perfect Puzzle Agent - Agent, you never submitted a wrong answer

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