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Empfohlene Beiträge




Act I - Complete Act I

Act II - Complete Act II

Rookie - Finish the game on easy

Fallen Eagle - Kill 10 eagles

Flying Knives - Kill 10 enemies with throwing knives

Heavy Fire - Kill a total of 30 enemies with Browning gun

Hold Your Breath - Kill 250 people using sniper rifle (Multiplayer)

One Package, Two Receivers - Kill 2 enemies with one grenade

Sniper Expert - Deliver 50 headshots

The Protector of Pontoon - Kill all enemies attacking your pontoon from the riverside on 'Weaken The Regime' level

No alarm - Finish the 'Under cover of night' mission without having the guards raise an alarm

Unnoticed - Stealthily enter the manor in 'Better late than never' mission

You Have to Focus - Kill 15 enemy using concentration mode

Electrician - Shoot 5 cable lines using sniper rifles




Act III - Complete Act III

Captain - Finish the game on Normal difficulty

Arms dealer - Finish the 'The last hunt' mission

Close Range - Kill 250 people using pistol (Multiplayer)

Fast and thorough - Kill all the enemy snipers in 'Appearances can be deceiving' in less than four minutes

10 shots - Finish the 'The last hunt' mission having fired no more than 10 shots

Flag hunter - Capture 50 flags from the enemy camp (Multiplayer)

One Shot, Two Kills - Kill 2 enemies with one shot

Sharpshooter - Kill 500 people using sniper rifle (Multiplayer)

Sniper Master - Deliver 100 headshots

The end of the drug baron - Kill the escaping drug baron in 'Better late than never' mission

Through the Wall - Shoot an enemy through a wall




Act IV - Complete Act IV

General - Finish the game on Hard difficulty

Laurel Wreath - Win 50 rounds playing online (Multiplayer)

Seeker - Collect all secrets

Supplier of Death - Kill 2000 enemies (Multiplayer)




Collector - Collect all other trophies

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