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Empfohlene Beiträge




Boot-Call - Whistle and knock out 50 people

Athletic Tendencies - Perform 5 split jumps

Sleep Overs - Complete a mission without having a single incapacitated enemy being discovered

Execution - Put down 10 enemies without dying

Dark instance - Destroy 50 lights

Live on the Edge - Sound 2 alarms and then complete the mission objective

Inhouse Medic - Activate 10 Medkits in the game

Surprise! - Grab 10 guards as as soon as they switch on the lights

Safe and Secure - Scout in all 3 vision modes for 13 different doors that can be opened

Neutral Outlook - Neutralize Norman Soth

You can't see me - Bypass 5 security cameras by jamming them

Warranty Period - Save Francois Coldeboeuf

Recall Rejected - Leave Francois to fend for himself

One Shot... - Take out 10 guards in Sniper mode

One kill - Kill 25 enemies with a single headshot, whenever fatality is allowed

Fisher Express - Complete the train mission in 15 minutes

Exponential Heat - De-activate 5 turrets

Go FUBAR - Kill all terrorists in the LAX mission

Amorality - Neutralize Dahlia Tal

Accomplice - Dahlia Tal survives

Biological Warfare - Retrieve ND133




Emissary - Complete the US Embassy, Dili mission

Encephalon Exchange - Complete the Saulnier Cryogenic, Paris mission

The Great Train Insertion - Complete the Paris to Nice mission

Shaliah - Complete the Jerusalem mission

Refined Communications - Complete the Kundang Camp mission

Under Metal Cover - Complete the Komodo mission

Technical Difficulties - Complete the Jakarta mission

Duty Calls - Complete the LAX INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT mission

Five-Seven - Complete the Game using only the Five-7 and alternate fire of SC-20K gun

Mission complete - Complete the game in Normal difficulty

Ghosts don't die - Complete the game without dying more than 3 times




Veteran - Complete the game in Hard difficulty

Phantom Strike - Maintain complete stealth throughout the game

Samaritan - Complete the game without dying

Immune - Complete the game without using Medkit




Preserved Hope - Unlock all trophies

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