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Empfohlene Beiträge




Topsy Turvy - Pull 5 guards over a rail

Art of Unseen - Dont be detected throughout a mission

Silent Death from Above - Take out 5 enemies with inverted neck grip

Enhanced Perception - Hack 10 terminals without scanning them

Darkside - Disable 40 electronics using the OCP

Good Ol' Pump Action - Take out 5 guards with the shotgun

Not Today - Free yourself when captured

Life's Edge - Neutralize 20 enemies with the combat knife

Dignity and Honor - Free Morgenholt

Dead Man Hanging - Leave Morgenholt hanging

Final Cruise - Eliminate Lacerda

Worms - Hack 3 retinal scanners

Knock Knock Out - Knock out 5 guards by bashing doors

BSOD - Shutdown 10 computer terminals

Heat Waves - Snipe 10 enemies in Thermal mode

Dire Consequences - Eliminate Milan Nedich

Price of Betrayal - Eliminate Douglas Shetland

Price of Friendship - Show mercy to Douglas Shetland

Bushido - Save and capture Otomo

Unsung Hero - Perform acts of untold heroism in Seoul

Cold Duty - Sacrifice the pilots as per order




Out of the Spotlight - Complete light house

Cruise Control - Complete cargo ship

Money Matters - Complete Bank

Apple Pie - Complete penthouse

Displacement - Complete Displace

The Way of the Echelon - Complete Hokkaido

Fright of Neighbors - Complete Battery

Plight of Neighbors - Complete Seoul

Cleaning Duty - Complete Bathhouse

The Star in the East - Complete Kokubo Shosho

Sentinel - Complete normal




BlackOps Specialist - Complete the game on expert

Makes You Feel Alive - Complete hard without being killed more than 5 times.

Greater Good - Achieve above 80% success rate in all missions.

Immune - Complete the game without using a Medkit




Splinter Cell - Collect all other trophies

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