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Empfohlene Beiträge



Punitive Soldier - You've put down a power holder.

Story Completed - You've completed the story mode.

No Guard - You've gone cleared a scene without any guard.

Counter Master - You've succeeded in all of the counter actions.

Debut in Our Ranking - You've made a debut in our ranking.

Killed 10,000 - You've killed 10,000 enemies in total.




100 Chained - You've achieved 100 chains.

No Continue - You've completed the story mode in normal without using a continue feature.

All S Rank Completed - You've completed all scenes in story mode in normal at S rank

1 Kill Cleared - You've gone cleared this scene by defeating exclusively the power holder.




No Repair - You've completed the story mode in normal without repairing the vessel of spirit.

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