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Empfohlene Beiträge




Puzzled? - Complete the first level.

Golden Boy - Get a gold rating on 5 levels.

Conquistador - Complete the first chapter.

Altitude Sickness - Complete the second chapter.

Bless you! - Complete the third chapter.

Great Adventurer - Complete the fourth chapter.

Eldorado - Get a gold rating on all chapter one story levels.

Because It's There - Get a gold rating on all chapter two story levels.

Howard Carter - Get a gold rating on all chapter three story levels.

Lost and Found - Get a gold rating on all chapter four story levels.

Master Puzzler - Get a gold rating on all levels.

Hoarder - Collect a total value of 250,000 in treasures.

Egyptologist - Get a score of 6,000 on the level Tomb of Osiris.

I See Fish People - Meet the Agent.

Iced Out - Get a score of 8,000 on any level.

King of Bling - Get a score of 10,000 on any level.

Extracurricular Activity - Complete one of the optional levels.

Above and Beyond - Get a gold rating on all optional levels.

Demolition - Defeat a Sentinel.

Innsmouth - Defeat an Agent.

Montgolfier - Scare Exocet.

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