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Complete all other trophies - You have obtained all the trophies.


Versteckte Trophäen




This is Disgaea 4! - Watch the opening anime. Enjoy Disgaea 4!

New Party Established - Clear up to Episode 3 in the main story.

E Pluribus Netherum - Clear up to Episode 7 in the main story.

The End of the Beginning - Clear the main game and unlock the Post-Game.

Carnage in the Streets - Visit the Land of Carnage.

Fenrich's Mission - Watch Fenrich's epilogue.

The Melancholy of Fuka Kazamatsuri - Watch Fuka's epilogue.

Desco's New Purpose - Watch Desco's epilogue.

Vote for Emizel - Watch Emizel's epilogue.

Of Promises Past - Watch Artina's epilogue.

Fight the God Fight - Defeat God (self-proclaimed) and watch the ending.

Party On, Axel - Defeat Axel in the Post-Game and make him an ally.

Party On, Archangel Flonne - Defeat Archangel Flonne in the Post-Game and make her an ally.

Party On, Beryl - Defeat Raspberyl in the Post-Game and make her an ally.

Party On, Etna - Defeat Etna in the Post-Game and make her an ally.

Party On, Laharl - Defeat Laharl in the Post-Game and make him an ally.

Party On, Asagi - Defeat Asagi in the Post-Game and make her an ally.

Party On, Prinny Kurtis - Defeat Prinny Kurtis in the Post-Game and make him an ally.

Party On, Zetta - Defeat Zetta in the Post-Game and make him an ally.

Viva Sprites! - Fight five battles with the 'Classic' display option. Pixels still rock!

Baby's First Reincarnation - Reincarnate for the first time.

Snare Bear Stare - Throw and capture an enemy character in the base panel.

Success Comes From Failure - Get a Game Over from having your party get defeated.

Collateral Damage - Defeat an ally character.

Treasure Hunter - Open 100 treasure chests.

Lead-Tongued Tyrant - Persuade by force three times. Demons should always resort to violence!

Step Back and Watch the Fireworks - Explode ten Prinnies in a row.

The Power of Creation Compels You - Conduct your first Map Edit.

Pirate Is As Pirate Does - Conduct your first Reverse Pirating.

Scavenger Hunt Champion of the Netherworld! - Open all chests at the base from Episode 1 to Post-Game.

How's That Item World Coming Along? - Clear 30 floors in the Item World.

Hangin' at the Quick Yield - Max out the Rosen Queen Company customer level.

Phantom Thief - Steal 10 Rare and/or Legendary items.

Damages With Wolves - Inflict 100,000 damage.

Axel Statue Down! - Accidentally destroy Axel's statue in the Mystery Room.

Bottom of the 9999th! - Train an ally up to LV 9999.

Master Crafter - Increase an item up to LV 300.

Dominatrix Lovin' - Enforce discipline 100 times.

Timid Timmy - Cancel 1,000 battle actions.

Lobbyist Hobbyist - Give 50 bribes.

Scrooge the Pooge - Get over 100,000,000 HL.

Pirate Ninja - Defeat 100 Pirate Crew members in the Item World.




Pimp My Ship - Collect all of the Pirate Ship parts.

Intelligence Director - All ranks of all job and monster classes can be created through Character Creation.

Special Stalker - Watch all of the special skills.

X-tra-Dimension-al Conquistador - Clear all of the X-Dimension maps.

Roaring Pringer Bringer Downer - Defeat Pringer X: Roar in the Land of Carnage.




Biggus Stickus - Inflict 10,000,000,000 damage.

Evildoer of the Year - Unlock all Evil Symbols.

Items Roadshow - Collect all items (excluding grades). Now aim for completing all the grades, too!

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