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A Mess of Stiff Staff Sergeants - Kill Inferno's Sergeants in single player

Airborne - Pilot a helicopter in single player

From Cold Dead Hands - Steal all Inferno's Weapon Crates in single player

Goody Two Shoes - Bring 20 Prisoners to the Church in single player

Inferno's Briefs - Steal all the Document Briefs in single player

Jonesing for Relics - Return all the Relics to the Museum in single player

Supply Problems - Destroy all Mining Carts in the Kaabe Mountains in single player

The Daily Grind - Get a character to max level

To Hell and Back - Complete Mission 9 on any Difficulty in single player




Lord Master of Great Skill - Get 'Skill Level - Alien' in single player

Tough Stuff - Complete all missions on Hardcore Difficulty




Mega Kill Combo - Get a 50x Damage Streak in single player



Coldstrike Campaign DLC:




Extraction - Mission 1 - Rescue all the civilians in single player (Coldstrike DLC Required)

Intelligence - Mission 2 - Acquire all intel on Coldstrike's plans in single player (Coldstrike DLC Required)




Pansy Worm - Mission 3 - Defeat the Panzer Wyrm (Coldstrike DLC Required)

Bearbeitet von Scheich

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