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Empfohlene Beiträge




25% Gold Collectibles Found - Collect 25% of all Gold Collectibles

50% Gold Collectibles Found - Collect 50% of all Gold Collectibles

Bowling - Kill an enemy with an object shot with G-Lifter

Death from Above - Kill an enemy by falling on him

Death on Delivery - Kill 100 enemies using objects shot or dropped with G-Lifter

Electrifried - Electrocute a human enemy

Game Completed - Defeat Maximillian

Kiss Me Deadly - Kill a human enemy with another enemy's body

Pack Rat - Collect all upgrades

Second Amendment - Kill 100 enemies using the Rock Blaster

Unfriendly Fire - Kill a human enemy with deflected bullets




100% Gold Collectibles Found - Collect 100% of all Gold Collectibles

Say Hello to My Little Friend - Kill 2 or more enemies with a single exploding mechanical enemy




Speed Run - Complete the game in 3 hours or less

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