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Empfohlene Beiträge




At Least It's Aerodynamic... - Equip your first suit.

Beginner's Luck - Complete your first Great combo.

Broken Glass, Everywhere... - Break 30 Combat Text Pop Ups.

Choose Wisely - Make second power destiny choice.

Destiny Begins - Select a Power.

Fight Terror with Terror - Defeat 10 enemies with one Ultra power.

Four of a Kind - Equip a complete X-Gene set and suit.

Garbage Collection - Destroy your first piece of propaganda.

How Strong Could It Be? - Trigger X-Mode.

I've Got the Power - Fully level up a power.

Mechageddon - Defeat 20 Purifier Stalker Mechs.

Profiler - Collect your first dossier.

Purify the Purifiers - Defeat 2000 Purifiers.

Reinforced - Defeat 20 Prime Enforcers.

Side-tracked - Complete your first challenge mission.

Splicer - Equip your first X-Gene.

Taking Every Opportunity - Complete 10 unique challenge missions.

The Choice Is Made - Make third power destiny choice.

The Goon Squad - Defeat 500 MRD Troops.

Think About It... - Make first power destiny choice.

This can't be happening! - Complete your first Insane combo.

U Mad, Bro? - Defeat 30 U-Men in the Secret Lab.




Archivist - Collect 15 dossiers.

Cleaned up the City - Destroy 25 pieces of propaganda.

Completionist - Complete all 15 unique challenge missions.

Fully Evolved - Fully level up all powers.

Got My Eye on You - Join Cyclops and the X-Men.

Magneto Is Right - Join Magneto and the Brotherhood.




Alpha Level Mutant - Finish the game on X-Man difficulty.

Beta Level Mutant - Finish the game on New Mutant difficulty.

Omega Level Mutant - Finish the game on X-treme difficulty.




Homo Superior - Collect all other trophies.





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