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Empfohlene Beiträge




Awesomium - Be awarded all 240 original Atoms in Discovery Mode from groups 1 to 5.

Bielementium - Discover the second group of elements.

Bolevium - Complete all of the Bonus Levels.

Bonusium - Discover all 20 of the Bonus Levels.

Musicium - Play one of your own music tracks while playing the game.

Pentelementium - Discover the fifth group of elements.

Quadelementium - Discover the fourth group of elements.

Revealium - Finish all of the Tutorial Levels.

Sixaxium - Complete a level using the SIXAXIS™ motion sensor function.

Spookium - Download and play against an online ghost replay.

Targetenium - Complete all 4 targets in any Discovery Mode level.

Trielementium - Discover the third group of elements.

Unlockium - Discover all 10 of the Challenges.




Challengium - Complete all of the Challenges.




Discoverium - Complete all the levels in Discovery Mode.



Rare Elements DLC:




Rarebonusium - Discover all 10 of the Bonus Levels in the Rare Earth Elements content pack.

Rarusium - Complete all the Discovery Mode levels in the Rare Earth Elements content pack.

Raretaskium - Discover all 5 of the Challenges in the Rare Earth Element content pack.



Heavy Elements DLC:




Gravichallengium - Discover all 5 of the Challenges in the Heavy Elements content pack.

Heavybonusium - Discover all 10 of the Bonus Levels in the Heavy Elements content pack.

Gravisium - Complete all the Discovery Mode levels in the Heavy Elements content pack.

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