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Aerial Sniper - Used DFM to destroy 10 airborne enemies in competitive online.

Bail Out - Ejected from a damaged aircraft.

Berserker - Destroyed the air defense system, opening the way for allied pilots.

Bomber Master - Defeated a large number of enemies while flying a bomber.

Checking In - Flew through the big hotel's gates.

Defender of World Heritage - Prevented enemy from using Trinity to destroy Derbent.

Diverse Strikes - Defeated hostiles with all 3 of the gunship's weapons.

Eagle Eye - Successfully focused on 3 targets.

Emergency - Attempted an emergency landing in a damaged aircraft.

Fearsome Guardian - Protected your allies using the gunship, and led a successful attack on the base.

Fire Hazard - Removed enemy presence from the oil field and the base.

Ground Pounder - Used ASM to destroy 30 ground enemies in competitive online.

Gun Master - Took out a large number of hostiles as the door gunner.

Guns Guns Guns - Destroyed 5 hostile vehicles from the air as the door gunner.

Hard Strike - Wiped out hostile ground forces with ASM.

Hot Pit - Successfully took off to protect allies amid heavy hostile fire.

Interceptor - Used an attack helicopter and destroyed 10 missiles or bombs in competitive online.

Life Saver - Rescued Major Illich from enemy captivity.

Limbo - Flew beneath a falling chimney.

Machine Gun Faithful - Destroyed an enemy aircraft using only the standard machine gun while piloting an aircraft.

Nice Assist - Used DFM support or ASM support to join a flight member.

Nice Save - Saved an ally being targeted by hostile players in DFM in competitive online.

Nick of Time - Destroyed the ICBMs.

One Million Tons of Scrap Metal - Sank the enemy fleet and saved the Russian Prime Minister.

Pursuit Master - Successfully pursued 3 enemies with counter maneuvers.

Shot Master - Took down 5 hostiles with a direct shot.

Speed Demon - Destroyed all radar missile defense systems in a short period of time.

Stay On Target - Obtained and destroyed 10 enemies in a helicopter.

Steel Hunter - Eliminated enemy threat from the Suez Canal.

Successive Kill - Took down 3 hostiles in a row with an assault chain.

The Collector - Piloted all aircraft in the game.

Total Annihilation - Disintegrated enemy bombers in mid-air, keeping damage to the city to a minimum.

Welcome to Mission Co-Op - Cleared 1 level in mission co-op.




Ace of Aces - Obtained an A rank for every mission (free mission).

All Rounder - Obtained all MVPs.

Chain Master - Took down 5 hostiles in a row with an assault chain.

Critical Hit - Took down a hostile fighter with a charged homing missile.

Formation Attack - Joined the same DFM with two others and shot down a hostile (mission co-op).

Nice Kill - Shot down a large number of hostile players in competitive online.

Smooth Flight - Managed to get Sova 1 to land safely.

Switch Master - Successfully switched from defense to offense 10 times with counter maneuvers.

Veteran Pilot - Sortied for 50 hours in competitive online or mission co-op.

World Tour - Played on all maps in competitive online.




Warwolf 1 - Cleared all missions.

Warwolf Squadron - Cleared all levels in mission co-op.



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