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Beat the Man to be the man! - Beat Sébastien Loeb in a Single Player - Single Stage match

Buddying Mechanic - Spend a total of 10 minutes in the Car Setting section of the menu

Can't touch me! - Complete a valid Special Stage without any damages. No Respawns or Rewind effects are allowed.

Drive fast or drive home - Reach 225 Km/h (139 mph) on a Special Stage.

El Mariachi - Put down a cactus in Mexico.

Employee of the Month - In 'The Road to the WRC', increase the staff level of efficiency up to 25.

Eternal Return - Use the Rewind effect in any game mode.

Event Planner - Create a Lobby in the 'Create Match' page and start the race.

Ghost Hunters - In Time Attack mode, complete a race against one of the ghosts you have downloaded.

Gravity is for Losers - Perform a jump of at least 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) in height.

Great Scott! - Complete an upgrade research in 'The Road to the WRC'.

Hairpin Addicted - Sa Linea 1 - Drive the first sector in less than 45 secs performing at least 6 secs of drift.

Heads-Up Specialist - Reach level 30 in the Super Special Stage Online Ranking.

Historic Italian Job - In The Road to the WRC, win the Historic Italian Job - Event.

Historic Victory - Complete a Single Player - Single Rally match in first position with a WRC Group B car.

Homo Faber Fortunae Suae - Complete a Special Stage in first position using a Car Settings preset you've created.

I Never Give Up! - In an offline Special Stage with P.Solberg, gain at least 5 positions from one sector to the next.

Know your limits... to pass them! - Win a Single Player - Single Stage match in using the Advanced Driving Style only.

Let it be a lesson to you! - Successfully complete one of the lessons in the WRC Rally School.

New Borns - Reach 30 used manual respawns in the offline statistic page.

No friends in race! - Complete a Hot Seat - Single Rally match against three other players in first position.

No Mercy! - In 'The Road to the WRC', fire 10 co-workers in your Office or Garage.

Player of Age - Reach level 18 in the Hall of Fame Online Ranking.

Power is with you. Always. - Complete a Power Stage in an offline Championship in first position.

Racing Time - Reach 30 cumulative minutes of race in valid Online Matches.

Rolling Rolling...Rawhide - Roll over the car.

Safari Legends - In The Road to the WRC, win the Legends Of Rally Championship - Event.

Show off the style! - In The Road to the WRC, unlock the sponsor Rally Style.

Sinister Appearance - Upload one of your ghosts on the online Leaderboards.

Super Special Duellist - Win 10 Super Special Stages in Online matches.

Take it! - Enter the Photo Mode, take a photo and save it.

Teamwork - In 'The Road to the WRC', increase the team level of development up to 23.

The best thing a man can do... - ...is drive sideways. At least it's the best thing he can do dressed! Slide for 35 metres (115 feet).

Yes, you can! - In an Online lobby, vote for the Special Stage that wins the voting.

Your speed is melting the snow! - Complete a Single Player - Single Rally match in Sweden using Kimi Räikkönen in first position.




Ace of the Race - Successfully complete all the challenges in the WRC Rally School.

Eat dust, bleed gasoline - Reach level 50 in the Hall of Fame Online Ranking.

European Tour - Complete a valid rally in Great Britain, Italy, France, Spain & Portugal in the same Championship.

Horsepower Overload! - In 'The Road to the WRC' get all the upgrades on one of your cars.

Knockout! - In 'The Road to the WRC' complete in first position one of the Super Special Stage tournaments.

The Perfect Storm - Storm all the challenges of the WRC Rally School.

Tireless Boxer - Reach level 50 in the Super Special Stage Online Ranking.

World Tour - Complete a valid rally in Argentina, Australia, Jordan, Mexico & Greece in the same Championship.




Grand Slam - Complete all the events of 'The Road to the WRC' in first position.

The Advent of the New King - In 'The Road to the WRC' complete the WRC Championship in first position.




If in doubt, flat out. - Unlock all Trophies.




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