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Aaaaannnd Cut! - As Matt Kunitz, skip ahead through every obstacle in any episode's Qualifier.

Assisted Wipeout - Push your friend into an obstacle during the Final Four round.

Ball I Want for Xmas - Unlock all the secret characters.

Easy as Pi - Get a time of exactly 3:14 on any Qualifier as LenexLinus_42.

El Dorado - Collect every ring in an episode in one playthrough.

Episode 1 Gold - Beat Episode 1 with a time of 1:50 or better.

Episode 2 Gold - Beat Episode 2 with a time of 2:00 or better.

Episode 3 Gold - Beat Episode 3 with a time of 1:50 or better.

Episode 4 Gold - Beat Episode 4 with a time of 2:15 or better.

Episode 5 Gold - Beat Episode 5 with a time of 2:15 or better.

Episode 6 Gold - Beat Episode 6 with a time of 2:30 or better

Hands off the Merchandise - Finish any Qualifier as Angelica Belle without being touched by anything.

Ho Ho Ho - Come in first on any episode as Santa Claus.

I'm too Emo for This Game - As Colin Edwards, finish any Qualifier in Multiplayer by wiping out 3 times on each obstacle.

It's a Dirty Job - Trudge through 4 meters of mud as Jebidiah Shiner.

Jack Be Nimble - Make it through a Piston Punch without jumping or wiping out.

Jumping Jack - Jump 8 times in 10 seconds.

Look Out Below - Land on top of another contestant from more than 3 meters high during the Final Four round.

My Nana Cooks the Best Wipeouts - Wipeout on a dog, pie, door and sweeper of Nana’s House exactly once each as Agatha Wrinkles in Episode 5 or 6.

Practice Makes Better - Finish any Eliminator 3 times in Practice in one session.

Practice Makes Even Better - Finish any Final Four Round 4 times in Practice in one session.

Practice Makes Good - Finish any Qualifier 2 times in Practice in one session.

Practice Makes Perfect - Finish any Wipeout Zone 5 times in Practice in one session.

Rock'em Sock'em - Pass the Sucker Punch without wiping out.

Season’s Beatings - Wipe out on all 6 obstacles of any episode's Winter Wipeout Zone.

Sharpshooter - As a Blaster, hit your friend 5 times in 10 seconds.

Too Cool for School - Stay on the Sinister Snowflakes for longer than 30 seconds as Francis Maynard.

Tree Hugger - Touch a Sweeper Tree without being wiped out as Jenny Sunflower.

W-I-P-E-O-U-T!!! - Wipeout 7 times on the Sucker Punch in episode 6 as Tiffany Bannister.

We Have Liftoff - Bounce between two or more Launch Pads 10 times in a row in Episode 2.




Ahead of the Curve - Finish the game with an average time of 2:45 per episode or better.

Bribing the Judges - As Jill Wagner, give yourself the $50,000 prize.

Christmas Special-Beat Wipeout Zone D in Single Player or Two Players without wiping out.

Episode 7 Gold - Beat Episode 7 with a time of 2:30 or better.

Episode 8 Gold - Beat Episode 8 with a time of 2:30 or better.

Halloween Special - Beat Wipeout Zone B in Single Player or Two Players without wiping out.

Happy Ballidays - Cross the Big Balls without wiping out.

I Love the Sound of My Voice - Playing as John Henson, listen to 25 lines of John Henson commentary.

On Curve - Finish the game with an average time of 3:00 per episode or better.

Rockin’ Around the Sweeper Trees - Last more than 30 seconds on the Sweeper or Ski Lift.

Wisconsin Pride - As John Anderson, get a time of 1:00 or better on Bruiseball.




Fall Line-up - Finish the summer episodes.

Holiday Primetime - Finish the winter episodes.

Way Ahead of the Curve - Finish the game with an average time of 2:30 per episode or better




The Wipeys - Collect all other Trophies.

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