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Absolutely Smashing - Successfully bump an opponent by landing on him in Single Player mode.

Air Show - Take out an opponent with a power-up while the opponent is airborne in Single Player mode.

Alien Force - Successfully bump 50 karts in Single Player mode.

Beat the Clock - Escape elimination in an Ultimate Elimination showdown with less than 10 seconds on the clock in Single Player mode.

Beginner's Luck Complete - Complete the Beginner's Luck circuit in third place or higher in Single Player mode.

Big Air - Complete a jump with an air time of 3 seconds in a race in Single Player mode.

Bumper Karts - Successfully bump 25 karts in Single Player mode.

Close Call - Win a race by less than a second in Single Player mode.

Counter Measure - Destroy an incoming attack by firing an attack of your own in Single Player mode.

Double Trouble - Complete 10 2X stunt combos while racing in Single Player mode.

Driverus Primus - Beat the Track Best time in a Time Trial on any Primus track.

Freezeway Jungle Complete - Complete the Freezeway Jungle circuit in third place or higher in Single Player mode.

Get My Drift? - Execute a 500-meter drift in a race in Single Player mode.

Give 'Em the Slip - Pass an opponent while drifting in Single Player mode.

Got Skillz - Beat the Track Best time in a Time Trial on any track by 10 seconds or more.

Ice Water Expanse Complete - Complete the Ice Water Expanse circuit in third place or higher in Single Player mode.

Infinity Circuit Complete - Complete the Infinity Circuit in third place or higher in Single Player mode.

Kineceleration - Execute a continuous boost of 8 seconds or more in a race in Single Player mode.

Leapfrog - Pass an opponent by jumping over/past them in Single Player mode.

Missed Me! - Finish a race in first, second, or third place without being affected by an enemy attack in Single Player mode.

Not Even a Scratch - Block/avoid 100 attacks using your Defensive Power in Single Player mode.

Nothin' But More Skill - Win a race on any Intermediate track without using an Omni-Node or Offensive Power in Single Player mode.

Nothin' But Skill - Win a race on any Basic track without using an Omni-Node or Offensive Power in Single Player mode.

Null Prime Complete - Complete the Null Prime circuit in third place or higher in Single Player mode.

Prime Drifter - Execute a 750-meter drift in a race in Single Player mode.

Primus Dominus Complete - Complete the Primus Dominus circuit in third place or higher in Single Player mode.

Shattered - Destroy 10 Shard Mines using the EMP power-up in Single Player mode.

Snow Drifter - Beat the Track Best time in a Time Trial on any Kylmyys track.

Tag! I'm It! - Win 10 individual Omni-Tag showdowns in Single Player mode.

Tag! We're It! - Win 10 Team Omni-Tag showdowns in Single Player mode.

Trash Truckin' - Beat the Track Best time in a Time Trial on any Vulpin track.

Triple Threat - Complete 10 3X stunt combos while racing in Single Player mode.

Ultimate Alienator - Win 10 Ultimate Alienation showdowns in Single Player mode.

Unstoppable! - Win a race by tumbling or spinning over the finish line in Single Player mode.

Volcano Void Complete - Complete the Volcano Void circuit in third place or higher in Single Player mode.

Warp Driver - Beat the Track Best time in a Time Trial on any Null Void track.

Wave Runner - Beat the Track Best time in a Time Trial on any Piscciss track.

Way Bigger Air - Complete a jump with an air time of 4 seconds or more in a race in Single Player mode.

Wet Wasteland Complete - Complete the Wet Wasteland circuit in third place or higher in Single Player mode.




Boom! Winning! - Successfully hit every opponent in a race at least once with any Power-Up in Single Player mode.

Galactic Racing Champion - Win a trophy on every circuit in Single Player mode.

Kart Collector - Unlock all karts in the game.

Nothin' But Maximum Skill - Win a race on any Advanced track without using an Omni-Node or Offensive Power in Single Player mode.

Omni-Node Master - Pick up 8 different Omni-Node types in each of 10 different races in Single Player mode.

Omni-Trickster - Complete 10 4X stunt combos while racing in Single Player mode.

On the Right Track - Unlock all grand prix tracks.

Outta My Way!!!!! - Successfully bump 100 karts in Single Player mode.

Showdowns Galore - Unlock all arena tracks.




Codon Infusion - Unlock all characters in the game.

Ultimate Trophy Room - Win a first place trophy on every circuit in Single Player mode.




Ultimate Racer! - Earn all trophies in the game.

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