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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



Army of Darkness - Shot out the 4 lights with 4 bullets in Night Shift

Between a rock and a hard place - Beat Solomon, flawlessly, in The Great Destroyer

Bullseye - Saved the hostages without alerting any enemies in Drop 'em Like Liquid

Butterfly - Took down the jet in one attempt in Rock And A Hard Place

Car Lover - Completed the mission without losing a humvee in Operation Exodus

In the nick of time - Disarmed the bomb in under 20 seconds in The Eleventh Hour

Infantry Efficiency - Received all 4 weapon efficiency ribbons

Involuntary Euthanasia - Killed the 2 soldiers before the building fell on them in Uprising

M.I.A - Took your first enemy Dog Tag

Ninjas - Reached the VIP without setting off the alarm in Exfiltration

Not on my watch - Protected Chaffin from the soldiers in the street in Operation Swordbreaker

Practice makes perfect - Headshot each of the targets in the gun range in Kaffarov

Push On - Reached the garage without going into man-down state in Hit and Run

Roadkill - Kicked the car and killed the soldiers in Uprising

Scrap Metal - Destroyed 6 enemy tanks before reaching the fort in Thunder Run

Support Efficiency - Received all 4 support efficiency ribbons

The Professional - Completed the street chase in Comrades in under 2 minutes 30 seconds without dying

Twofor - Took down 2 enemies with 1 bullet in Night Shift

Untouchable - Completed the mission without using the fire extinguisher in Fire From The Sky

Vehicle Warfare - Received all 3 vehicle warfare ribbons

What the hell *are* you? - Took a Russian Dog Tag in the forest ambush in Rock And A Hard Place

You can be my wingman anytime - Completed Going Hunting in a perfect run




1st Loser - 2nd MVP in a ranked match

It's better than nothing! - 3rd MVP in a ranked match

Lock 'n' Load - Unlocked all unique co-op weapons

Most Valuable Player - MVP in a ranked match

Ooh-rah! - Completed the campaign story

Two-rah! - Completed all co-op missions




Army of Two - Completed all co-op missions on Hard

Colonel - Rank 45 achieved!

Decorated - Received one of each ribbon in the game

Semper Fidelis - Completed the campaign story on Hard




Platinum Trophy - Collect all other Battlefield 3™ Trophies


Versteckte Trophäen




FlashForward - Completed Semper Fidelis

No Escape - Captured Kaffarov

Shock Troop - Survived the quake

This is the end - Failed to prevent the attack

Wanted: Dead or Alive - Captured Al Bashir

Where are the other two? - Found the nuke



Back to Karkand DLC





Gunslinger - Got 10 kills with each of the ten Back to Karkand weapons

Jaws - Took a swim in the Oman Hotel swimming pool

Third Tour - Got a kill with each of the following vehicles: the BTR-90, DPV and F-35.




Complete Warrior - Got a kill with the following weapons in a single life: Assault Rifle, Jet, Tank

Like a Boss - Got a kill with the skid loader



Close Quarters DLC




Dominator - Won a round of Conquest Domination

Men of Calibre - Completed a round of Gun Master




Deadly tools - Without dying, get a kill with a Carbine, Pistol and Rocket Launcher

Show of Force - Got 10 kills with all ten CQ weapons






Armored Kill DLC




Death from above - Got one kill with the Gunship

Offroad - Got one kill with the Quad bike

Superiority - Won one round of Tank Superiority




Destroyer - Got 10 kills with Tank destroyers and Mobile Artilleries

Dropship - Destroyed the Gunship

Bearbeitet von basslerNNP

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  • Beiträge

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