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Doza Fortress - Cloudberry Catcher - Collected all Cloudberry medals in Doza Fortress

Doza Fortress - Dozabot Hunter - Collect all the Dozabot medals in Doza Fortress

Doza Fortress - Egg Ranger - Doza Fortress - Egg Ranger

Doza Fortress - Speed of the Wind - Collect all Time medals in Doza Fortress

Dozabot Nemesis - Get this trophy when you destroy 1000 Dozabots!

Dozabot Ranger - Get this trophy when you destroy 100 Dozabots!

Dozabot Reaper - Get this trophy when you destroy 500 Dozabots!

Dozabot Scrapper - Get this trophy when you destroy 5 Dozabots

Karibu Valley - Cloudberry Catcher - Collected all Cloudberry medals in Karibu Valley

Karibu Valley - Dozabot Hunter - Collect all the Dozabot medals in Karibu Valley

Karibu Valley - Speed of the Wind - Collect all Time medals in Karibu Valley

Karibu Valley- Egg Ranger - Karibu Valley- Egg Ranger

Lake Waka - Cloudberry Catcher - Collected all Cloudberry medals in Lake Waka

Lake Waka - Dozabot Hunter - Collect all the Dozabot medals in Lake Waka

Lake Waka - Egg Ranger - Lake Waka - Egg Ranger

Lake Waka - Speed of the Wind - Collect all Time medals in Lake Waka

Noko Woods - Cloudberry Catcher - Collected all Cloudberry medals in Noko Woods

Noko Woods - Dozabot Hunter - Collect all the Dozabot medals in Noko Woods

Noko Woods - Egg Ranger - Noko Woods - Egg Ranger

Noko Woods - Speed of the Wind - Collect all Time medals in Noko Woods




Completed Doza Fortress - Cleared all of the levels in Doza Fortress

Completed Karibu Valley - Cleared all of the levels in Karibu Valley

Completed Lake Waka - Cleared all of the levels in Lake Waka

Completed Noko Woods - Cleared all of the levels in Noko Woods

Dozabot Devastator - Get this trophy when you destroy 5000 Dozabots!




Doza Fortress - 100% - Completed all Doza Fortress challenges

Karibu Valley - 100% - Completed all Karibu Valley challenges

Lake Waka - 100% - Completed all Lake Waka challenges

Noko Woods - 100% - Completed all Noko Woods challenges




100% Clear - This is the platinum trophy and is unlocked automatically when all the trophies have been unlocked


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