Scheich Geschrieben 22. November 2011 Geschrieben 22. November 2011 Bronze A great Big Hug - Activate Bubbles’ synergy assist Adventure! - Win the first Flapjack Pier level in story mode with Flapjack and K’nuckles in under three minutes AH-ha-ha! AH-ha-HA ha-ha! - Activate Mandark’s assist while fighting against Dexter Ben 10 Fan - Finish the Ben 10 theme in story mode Billy & Mandy Fan - Finish the Grim Adventure’s theme in story mode Chicken Ball Z - Score four knockouts after using Billy and Mandy’s PTE Chowder Fan - Finish the Chowder theme in story mode Dexo Robo 2000 - Score two knockouts using Dexter’s PTE Dexter’s Lab Fan - Finish the Dexter’s Lab theme in story mode Dial M for Monkey - Win ten fights as Monkey in his alternate costume Disco Fever - Score two consecutive knockouts using Captain Planet’s synergy assist Do the Monkey - Activate Johnny’s synergy assist Father is Number One - Win five fights as Father with Numbuh One as an opponent Flame Broiled - Score a knockout using Father’s synergy assis Flapjack Fan - Finish the Flapjack theme in story mode Flushed - Score two simultaneous knockouts using Toiletnator’s PTE Foster’s Fan - Finished the Foster’s Home theme in story mode Freedom!!! - Win the Toadblatt’s level in story mode with Grim in under two minutes Frenemies - Defeat Kevin boss using Ben without dying Go Mac Go - Win ten fights as Mac and Bloo in their alternate costumes Him Diddle Riddle - Win ten fights as Him against a Powerpuff girl I am not your Boyfriend - Activate Panini’s assist while fighting against Chowder It’s Hero Time! - Win the Bellwood fight in story mode with Ben or Young Ben in under a minute KND Fan - Finish the KND theme in story mode Like a Hoss - Win the Endsville Cemetery level in story mode with Hoss Delgado without dying Master of Darkness - Win five fights as Aku with Jack as an opponent Meet My Beautiful Wife - Activate Scotsman's PTE and Peppermint Larry’s Assist in the same fight Ninjas Beat Pirates - Win a fight as Jack in his alternate costume with Flapjack and K’nuckles as opponents Not Powerpuff, Rowdyruff! - Win a fight with each Powerpuff in alternate costume against a Powerpuff in normal outfit P90 Him - Win nine fights as Him in his alternate costume Planet of the Ape - Win ten fights as Mojo Jojo against a Powerpuff girl PPG Fan - Finish the Powerpuff Girls theme in story mode S.E.C.T.O.R. V. - Complete Kids Next Door Platforming in under five minutes Samurai Jack Fan - Finish the Samurai Jack theme in story mode Samurai’s Journey - Defeat Aku boss using Jack without dying The power is yours! - Score three simultaneous knockouts using Captain Planet’s PTE Ugly Finish - Score four consecutive knockouts using Kevin’s PTE Vengeance of Vilgax - Win five fights as Vilgax against Ben and Young Ben Viking God of Rock - Score two consecutive knockouts with Aku’s synergy assist Way of the Samurai - Score five knockouts after activating Jack’s PTE What Does This Button Do? - Activate DeeDee’s assist while fighting against Dexter “Yes!” - Activate Ben’s synergy assist Silber Big Money! - Collect 1000 points from a single level Couch Potato - Beat Story Mode It’s over 9000! - Collect 9001 points No Big Deal - Beat Story Mode on the Hard difficulty setting Professional Hero - Defeat the Final boss without dying Gold Cartoon Collector - Unlock all characters Costume Collector - Unlock all costumes Unreal Estate Collector - Unlock all arenas Platin Punchtime Explosion Pro - Earn all trophies
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