Scheich Geschrieben 23. November 2011 Geschrieben 23. November 2011 Bronze A 1000-Day War - Use a Gold Saint to defeat another Gold Saint A True Phoenix - Remove your Cloth as Ikki Aldebaran, the Golden Bull - Complete Palace of Taurus in the story mode All I can Rely On...Is My Power - Win a boss battle without using a continue (any opponent) Athena Is Yours - Complete Palace of Sagittarius in the story mode Awaken, Aiolia! - Complete Palace of Leo in the story mode Awakening - Pull off a Real 7-Sense move 7 times Battle of the 12 Gold Palaces - Complete Palace of Aries in the story mode Between Life and Death - Complete Palace of Cancer in the story mode Big Bang Unleashed - Use a Big Bang Attack for the first time Blood-Stopping Master - Use Shinoten to save friends 10 times in Tag Challenge courses Cosmo Skills Unleashed - Use all Burst attacks while in Cosmo Burst mode End of a Legend - Finish all stories and stages in story mode (any difficulty) End of the Struggle - Finish 10 Single Challenge courses in mission mode Gemini's Maze of Illusions - Complete Palace of Gemini in the story mode I Don't Need My Cloth! - Finish a course in mission mode with a character who's taken off his Cloth I Knew You'd Come For Me! - Have Ikki appear when continuing as Shun I'll Remove It Now! - Remove your Cloth as Shiryu Nebula Stream Explodes! - Complete Palace of Pisces in the story mode Pulverizing to Atoms - Destroy 100 breakable objects Quest for Absolute Zero - Complete Palace of Aquarius in the story mode Rend the Skies, Destroy the Earth - Use Cosmo Points to raise your abilities Saga's Divine Madness - Complete the Chamber of Grand Pope in the story mode Saint of Hope - Finish the Sanctuary arc of story mode in Normal mode (cannot change difficulties midway) Saori Rescued - Save Athena in the story mode (any difficulty) Senseless Mastery - Win a boss battle without using any 7-Sense (any opponent) Start of the Battle - Finish 1 Single Challenge course in mission mode The Forbidden Strike - Complete Palace of Capricorn in the story mode The Last Scarlet Needle - Complete Palace of Scorpio in the story mode The Legend Reborn - Finish the Sanctuary arc of story mode without using a continue (any difficulty) The Phoenix Rises Again - Complete Palace of Virgo in the story mode The Sword of Libra - Complete Palace of Libra in the story mode The Unwavering Warrior - Earn A rankings in 10 stages or courses Thirteen Years Ago... - Finish the Aiolos chapter in the story mode (any difficulty) To the Galaxies - Upload mission mode data to the online ranking We Will Die Together, My Brother - Finish 1 Tag Challenge course in mission mode We're All In This Together - Unlock all characters in the mission mode character select screen Silber Beyond the Fight - Finish all Single Challenge courses in mission mode Dodge the Needles - Defeat Scorpio Milo without getting hit by Scarlet Needle Saint of Speed - Finish the Sanctuary arc of story mode in Hard mode (cannot change difficulties midway) The Same Attack Never Works Twice - Use all Big Bang Attacks from all characters The True Victor - Win a boss battle without taking damage (any opponent) Worthy of the Pope - Win 100 battles against Gold Saints Gold Axia Complete - Complete your gallery collection String of Miracles - Earn A rankings in all stages and courses Platin Eternal Legend - Collect all Trophies Versteckte Trophäen Bronze Black Saint Extermination - Defeat all the Black Saints Praise My Beauty... - Defeat Misty Shina's All Yours - Defeat Cassios Gold Saint of the Goddess - Finish the Sanctuary arc of story mode in Bronze mode (cannot change difficulties midway)
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