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Breaking the Ice - Answer the first question correctly (single player game)

Fall at the first post... - Get the first question wrong (single player game)

It's easy when you know... - 'Walk Away' with nothing (single player game)

Lightning Reactions... - Win 'Fastest Finger First' Round in under 4 seconds (single player game)

Not going home empty handed! - Reach 1000 (single player game)

That's what they are there for - Use a lifeline (single player game)

You're a brave contestant! - Choose to 'Walk Away' between 32,000 and 250,000 (single player game)




...and yet so far! - Fail to answer the Million - dropping to 32,000 (single player game)

So Close! - Choose to 'Walk Away' with 500,000 (single player game)

The million dollar question! - Get to the Million Question - Tier 15 (single player game)

You're a Millionaire!! - Win 1,000,000 (single player game)




All too EASY!! - Win 1,000,000 with all three lifelines remaining (single player game)

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