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Empfohlene Beiträge




All Your Apples Are Belong to Us - Play the "Apple Tart" card 10 times.

Apple of My Eye - Win your first online game.

Apple Seeds - Complete the tutorial in Single Player.

Mad Apple - Lose 3 online games in a row.

No Apple for You - Play the "Yes, We Have No Apples" card 10 times.

Social Addict - Enable Social Integration for posting trophies.

Sour Apple - Play a Golden Apple Card for the first time.




Apple-ocalypse - Be the second player to play the "Upset the Apple Cart" card in a single round.

Apple-opolis - Unlock all the Apple Avatars.

Falling Far from the Tree - Play the "Every Apple for Himself" card 5 times.

Rotten to the Core - Be targeted by the "Rotten Apple" card 10 times.




An Apple a Day - Reach the Orchard Rank in Online Multiplayer by Playing 500 Games.

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